Colt pre series 70 lightweigt commander 9mm


New member
There's a specimen locally available 99% in box with papers that can be had for around $1200. Being a big fan of Hi Power & 1911 autos I've been wanting a 9mm Colt 1911 for quite some time now. This is the first one I've seen available locally in quite a spell so I'm giving it some thought.

Price seems a bit high to me but I'm no expert.



Walk in with $1100 cash if you are the type to try to pike, if not splash out the $1200 or let me know where it is :)



New member
I actually thought about PM'ing you on this Ken, but I thought it might be a little presumptuous asking for your advice directly. It's a lot of money for me, so I'd like to get in on this gun "right side up" so to speak without worrying about overpaying.

If it matters, this gun would definately see some range time, not just sit in the safe.

Loving my XSE Combat Commander you sold me last year by the way :)


Its never a problem to call me with "hey whats it worth", and thats an offer to anybody



New member
Thanks for the input fellows.

In this crazy inflationary market for Colt handguns it's sometimes hard to get a handle on what's market price and what's someones idea of putting a bullseye on your back.

I dunno....I just like Colts :)


New member
I like the pre-70 Commanders also.

Over the past 18 months or so, I've been able to find 5. They can be had for less than 1200, but I haven't seen any for less than that price in 99%.

If you just 'have to' have a 'smith mess around with it, save the extra money that you'd spend for a 'minty' specimen.

It'd be in your best interest to make sure the seller offers you an inspection period and that it hasn't been 'throated or polished'.

Congratulations or getting a real Colt. Like Ken, if you change your mind, lemme know where it is.:D
