Colt Police Positive Questions


New member
Hi - I was wondering if I could hear some comments on how accurate the Colt Police Positive models are. I am considering picking one up but accuracy is important to me. I own a Colt Python that shoots great - way more accurate than I am. I recently shot a Colt New Frontier .22 and could barely hit the target with it from 50 feet. Very different than shooting the Python obviously. Anyway, I don't have a chance to shoot the Police Positive before buying it and I don't know anyone that owns one. Opinions????


New member
Most are fairly accurate for a small service revolver. A lot depends on your ability to use the sights. There is a target version, the Police Positive Target (PPT), with a 6" barrel and adjustable sights. You do know that the PP does not shoot the .38 Special cartridge?
If accuracy is your game have you looked at the Officers Models? They were Colt's medium framed target revolvers along with the 357 and Python. The large framed target revolvers were the New Service Target and the Shooting Master (both of these require deep pockets to carry one home).

Sir William

New member
The Colt Police Positives are chambered in 38 New Police and 38 S&W short as mentioned. The Colt Police Positive Specials are chambered in 38 Special. If you could post a pic or the serial minus a few XXs for the final digits, someone could tell which generation PP you are considering. I have a couple of generations myself. The grips are one reason that the generation matters. There were minor differences to the hammer and triggers and cylinders as well as sideplates and cylinder retention types.