Colt Mustang & Govt.

michael t

New member
How many still carry a Mustang or Govt. I belive these to be one of the best 380 made and wish Colt would start making them again I know I left out the Pony but seems most people never liked the triggers.


New member
I've got a Gov't model in nickel. Does duty when I can't cary something larger.

Brother-in-law has a mustang.

I too, wish Colt would crank these back up.


Peter M. Eick

New member
My only complaint about my gov380 is the barrel lugs are starting to peen a bit from heavy shooting. To bad they still are not making them. What great little guns!

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Still carry my Mustang Pocketlite to church or in shorts, someday I'll whip up some slimmer grips and it'll be perfect.


New member
My Colt Mustang has been my backup for quite some time. It's been very reliable.


When my dad isn't toting his Colt Detective Special, he's carrying his Gov't .380.

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New member
pony pocketlight

I have a pony pocketlight with a complete work over by scott mcdougal. It makes it a whole new animal. see attached.


  • Scott_Mac-Pony.pdf
    65 KB · Views: 127


New member
I carried a Pony Pocketlite for years, but finally I admitted to myself that everytime I felt that there was the slightest chance I might need it, I got a sinking feeling that the .380 HydroShock was just not enough bullet.
I traded it even for a BHP Practical in .40S&W.


New member
I still carry my Mustang PocketLite, though I have replaced the Federal Hydra-Shoks with Remington Golden Sabers as my carry load.


New member
My Mustang pocketlite is my summer time carry gun. At 12.5 oz empty you all most forget your packing it.

Fill it up with 7 rounds of Golden Saber 102's, cocked & locked and your good to go.



New member
"wish Colt would start making them again"

Thought Colt ran into some legal problems with Kahr and that's why they dropped the small gun line. Anyone?


New member
I have a Mustang. I have been thinking of selling it as it has been in the safe in the dark for several years. I don't like to carry that small of caliber. Otherwise it's been shot enough to prove it very reliable and a neat little gun. I have never sold any handgun of mine before, but I'm thinking it's time to start liquidating some of my never used firearms.


New member
I would certainly want one.
Or two or three.

Right now, they's just too few and far between, and typically with a pricetag that's simply untenable from my finances' POV.
