Colt M4 ops .22 vs Smith and Wesson M&P15 .22


New member
Guys I am in the market for one of these rifles. I was hoping to get some personal experiences and reviews on here. Also are both costructed the same? How much plastic and how much metal construction? Any and all info would be great!!!



New member
I bought the colt version. When I was looking I had the colt and s&w side by side to compare. The colt seemed like it was a better rifle to me. I didnt like the s&w mainly because it was almost all plastic. That and the fact that the stock and reciever was one piece. The colt just felt like a better quality rifle (if you can deal with a wobbly stock).

Shooting it, I didnt like it. It was fairly accurate but you had to adjust the bolt speed for different kinds of ammo. Also, dont even think about running remmington ammo through it as it would jam on every other round. It reminded me af a typical AR, very finiky, which is why I sold it.

The colt guys will say the colt is the best and the s&w guys will say the s&w is the best. If I were you, buy a dedicated 22 AR upper to put on a lower or buy a gsg-5. I love my gsg-5 and regret selling one of them for the colt. A far better option.
I have the m&p and have found it to be reliable, accurate, and just plain fun to shoot. Despite its mostly plastic construction it has been rock solid eating and ejecting everything I've fed it. It is my understanding that the colt can be picky with ammo but I have no personal experience with this. Also, bolt release on the colt is non-functioning if that is something important to you. Not to mention the m&p's average $150 cheaper price tag. If you pick the m&p its very unlikely you'll be disapointed with it. Good luck.


New member
You might want to look at the sig 522 . I just went threw what you are doing and that is what I got and love it . The gun shop that I got it from stopped selling the colt because they said they had to many of them jamming has alot of reviews not all of the reviews or worth looking at but it is a tool to help you make the right choose for you . Might look at the ruger sr 22 also . Good luck