Colt Lightning small frame bolt removal


New member
I have instructions on removing the bolt from a medium frame lightning, but not for a small frame. I've stripped the receiver down but I don't know how to remove the bolt. Anyone know?


James K

Member In Memoriam
IIRC it is the same, driving out the pin that holds the lock to the bolt, then removing the bolt. But it has been a long time, and I may be wrong.


James K

Member In Memoriam
The bolt has to be all the way forward; if it won't go that far, then something is blocking it.



New member
Here are some pictures. I found that there was a very small screw that could be removed via a hole in the locking block when the firing pin was in the firing position. The screw attached to the firing pin, but did not release the firing pin from the bolt, nor help remove the bolt at all. the only difference I can tell is that the firing pin now rotates within the bolt.

The pin that holds the locking block to the bolt is just to the left of the firing pin screw hole. With the bolt completely open, it is about a half inch away from the punch hole. I can put a punch completely through the receiver while moving the bolt from fully opened to fully closed. There are no other punch holes in the receiver.

The restriction on moving the bolt farther to the rear is the duct cover nut. I do not see how it could be removed, but maybe it can. I certainly don't want to mar it trying.


James K

Member In Memoriam
Oh, boy, I must have been sleepy when I said forward instead of back. Sorry for not be able to help, but it has just been too long ago. I don't recall that stud even being there.



New member
The trick was to pull out the dust cover "nut", then move the bolt back to the punch hole and punch out the pin holding the locking block to the bolt.

However, I found that the firing pin was broken. Anyone have any leads on a replacement?