Colt Govt. Pocketlight Reliability


New member
I am interested in the Colt Govt. Pocketlight as a small concealable pistol for "summer" carry purposes. I finally had the opportunity to handle two models at a recent gun show. While I only dry fired the pistols, I liked the trigger and the sighting seemed fair for such a small gun. However, the fit of the frame to the slide seemed VERY loose. Is this typical, or were these both poor examples of this pistol? I am also very interested in how this may impact the reliability of the gun. Obviously a small very concealable pistol can't help if it fails to function. ;)


New member
I have a 380 colt government pocketlite. It also has a loose frame to slide fit but it doesn't affect accuracy one bit. I have been able to get under 2" groups at 7 yards consistantly and under 5" groups from 25 yards. It has always functioned flawlessly. I carry it in a galco owb holster under a long tee shirt and it disappears. The holster (forgot the model) covers the safety. I carry it cocked with the safety on and it has never been jostled off yet. It is a very light slim package. I give it a good recomendation. The only argument against carrying this model is if you feel undergunned with only 380.


New member
I have a 380 Govt. Pocketlite (single action, not the DAO Mustang) that I had worked over by SM&A in Cotati with their deep cover package and I love it. It wasn't cheap but the work was top drawer, except for their Gnomecoat which hasn't really held up all that well. It weighs 12.5 ounces with the alloy frame and is a lot sturider than it should be.

I have no problems with accuracy and, next to my Kel Tec P-32, it's the most invisible gun I've ever handled. I love the way it feels in my hand and shoots nicely to point of aim. Just keep in mind that it's a short barrelled defensive gun. It's designed to protect you and yours at shorter ranges. Don't take it to the range and expect small groups at 25+ yards.

I have mine in an IWB Bianchi leather with snap loaded with Silvertips, but it shoots all kinds of hardball with no problem. The only ammo I ever had trouble with was the Win-Clean. The bullet design jammed it one out of three rounds, yuck!

Sadly I live in Illinois, a state that makes Kalifornia look good in terms of right to carry laws. So half the concealment issue is to worrying about BG's on the street and half is to worry about the cops and their latest round of pre-election years arrests and prosecutions for our "Safer Streets Laws".

But for those of us that would rather survive to be around to face potential prosecution than become another Crime statistic in Chicago (Toughest gun laws in the nation and a steady stream of gun related crimes including two cops recently kiiled in the line of duty? Of course the Chief of Police is calling for greater regulation of handguns. Nobody in the news media seems to see the obvious fallacy in that logic.)

I wouldn't worry too much about the slide to receiver fit. It has to have some play in it for the reliability you want in a defensive gun. Besides I'm getting tired of every "amateur salesman/gunsmith" behind a counter picking up a 1911 and wiggling the slide to prove how well made the gun is because there is no play in the fit. I know a decent machine fit is one sign of quality work. I also know that some play is essential to the correct operation of the gun.

OK I'm through ranting, sort of.

The Pocketlites are getting harder to come by these days. I picked up mine new for $255 a few years back. If you can find a decent one get it. They will only go up in value, unless somebody at Colt pulls their head out of their ass and realizes there is money to be made with these great little guns.

The only way to carry it is "cocked and locked", and if you don't believe me ask Scott or McDougal and you'll get a half hour animated lecture on why and how to carry one of these "Mini 1911's". The lecture is usually preceded by "Don't be stupid ..." Those guys know whereof they speak.

Good luck!



New member
I have the smaller brother to the Colt Government, the Mustang Pocketlite. I also sent mine to SM&A and had them do the PCP treatment, as well as decent sights. It's been a very reliable little gun, and disappears in my pocket. :)


New member
I also have the Mustang Pocketlite. A very nice little gun. Pretty accurate for its size and hasnt jammed on me yet. I have only fired it 150-200 times, but it has never hiccuped on either FMJ or Federal Hydroshocks. It really does disappear in a pocket, but I havent got up the nerve yet to carry cocked an locked. I wouldnt hesitate to buy it again if I were in the market.

Gunner's mate

New member
Colt Pocketlite

I don't think you can go wrong with the pocketlite. I have the Mustang in stainless and it is great. I had the plastic trigger and guide rod replaced. I replaced the grips myself. I carry mine with one in the chamber, hammer down. It is very easy and fast for me to thumb cock the hammer. One of the best designs Colt ever stumbled on to.


New member
I have almost a thousand rounds through my Mustang PocketLite with no malfunctions. I have used Blazer, Winchester and PMC ball as well as Speer Gold Dots and Federal Hydra-Shoks, the latter being my carry load.

Kentucky Rifle

New member
Let me say that... Colt Mustang Pocketlite was my first carry pistol after I got my CCW. I still have it and, other than a few scratches on the alloy frame, it's perfect. I love it!



New member
There are a number of variations on this fine little pistol.

The first was the .380 Government Model, all stainless.
Then came the .380 Mustang, all stainless.
Then came the .380 Mustang Pocketlite, alloy and stainless.
Then came the .380 Pony, all stainless DAO.
Then came the .380 Pony Pocketlite, alloy and stainless DAO.

Somebody out there chime in, was there a .380 Government Model in alloy?

I have a stainless Mustang, very similar to a mini 1911 and two Pony Pocketlites. I had one of the pocketlites dehorned, milled the sites off, precision crowned it and further tuned by my smith, added the guide rod from SM&A and had it gnomekoted. Its my daily carry piece and it has been flawless in performance.

The size and feel of the Mustang Pocketlite is similar, just the action is different.

The Pony is very similar internally to a Kahr, the offset barrell lug being the most noticable feature shared with the Kahr. Kahr sued colt for patent infringement and colt lost. Why colt dropped the mustang and govt models is anybodys guess.


New member
the gov. 380 is a nice little pistol. the pocketlite is the one to carry. i have one in all steel, but i carry a pony pocketlite- alas, i am a lefty-don't want to deal with the safety.
the slide to frame fit isn't overly important, loose is good for reliability. more important is the barrel to slide fit at lockup. check this at the bushing end and the breach end with the pistol UNLOADED.


New member
Awesome help! Great info and advice! The two models I saw last weeekend at a central pa gun show were priced around $350-375...sounds like they were right in the ball park.

I am especially glad to hear that reliability is good...I'm used to full size H&K and I don't want to "step down" on this important point!
