Colt Gold Cup - As Carry Piece?


New member
I purchased a Colt Gold Cup National Match MK IV. I haven't shot it yet but in dry firing the trigger seems pretty good and I like the balace/weight of this gun.
I've never seen anyone carry a Gold Cup, everyone I know that has owned one used it as a range gun. Other than the Elliason rear sight that would probably snag - what would you alter to carry one? If a Gold Cup ran well, was accurate,
why not use one for carry? Just curious. Thanks for replys.


New member
I have no experience with the Gold Cup; I know that they are set up for Target shooting, but if it ran well with your choice of HP (assuming you would use HP for carry/SD), I don't see any problem with it other than the target sights which could be swapped.


New member
My friend carries one ,I don't know what holster he uses..Like any carry gun it should be fully reliable .Make sure the sights etc don't hang up on the holster. You could if necessary chamfer the rear sight .I carried a custom 1911 for some years, which had low profile adjustable sights which was accurized but was fully reliable and I used a shoulder holster.
I'd be a lot more concerned about the snaggy sights and weight than I would losing the GC to an evidence locker. I own a couple of GCs and relegate them to safe and range work. I carry something lighter with more mag capacity and less-snaggy sights.


New member
Gold Cup Sight swap

I would swap you my accro sight off of a python for your elliason sight. The accro is a more compact adjustable sight with more roundness than the elliason. Let me know. thanks Mike


New member
Gold Cup

Smkummer, no thanks - I think I'll pass. Even if I replace the sight I'd keep the old one to pass along with the pistol if I sold it. Thanks for the offer.