Colt 1991 Commander ?


New member
At first I thought there was a misprint and the sale ad meant to read a 1911 Commander.....what exactly is the 1991 model and how does differentiate from the others ! Thanks !
A couple of decades ago, Colt's Manufacturing introduced a new line of 1911-type pistols intended to carry a lower price so they could appeal to a wider market. These pistols were called the M1991A1 series, came in Government model, Commander, and Officers ACP ("Compact") sizes, and were finished in either a black oxide or Parkerized finish. They also differed from traditional 1911s by having Colt's Series 80 firing pin safety. Aside from the rather pedestrian finish, they were characterized by large and fairly ugly rollmarks.

In recent years, the M1991A1 series has been upgraded. The finish is now either stainless or a brushed blue that is much more attractive than the black oxide, and the roll marks have been reduced in size and redesigned to look more like Colt roll marks. And the series designation was changed to just 1991. The M1991A1s are sometimes referred to as ORM (Old Roll Mark) 1991s, and the current style are referred to as NRM (New Roll Mark).

They're great guns, built on forged frames and slides like ALL Colt 1911s, and affordable.


New member
There was also an historical tie-in, with the M1991A1 serial numbers picking up where they'd left off at the end of M1911A1 production in 1945.
While it was supposed to compete with the cheaper guns on the market, primarily Springfield Armory at the time, the '91A1 was a pretty clever piece of marketing.


New member
Thanks all , for the great info....the way the ad was worded had me a bit puzzled but now I'm more enlightened ! :)


New member
Aguila Blanca pretty much covered it, I just want to add that the 91s are great guns and 100% Colt. They also make terrific platforms for custom builds. I have three ORM 91s, a compact .45 customized by Clark's and Dietrich's, a Commander .45 customized by Novak's, and a full size .38 Super that is currently being customized by Dietrich Gunsmithy here in Maine.

