colorado's John Morse says your sick and need cleansing!

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New member
“Cleansing a sickness from our souls doesn’t come easy. It’s gruesome,” Morse said in a short speech announcing the withdrawal of his assault-weapon liability measure. I consider their ideology/religion to be “a sickness”, a madness, which must be cleansed, at the very least, from this nation ”
- John Morse

I am just dumbfounded. Where are the gun owners of Colorado. Why are they not protesting in the street?

Mods this is not a drive by I am just speechless. What I want to write will surely get me banned.

Sad day for the once great State of Colorado. I will no longer spend any money there or on any product from that state. Guess I will be skiing in Taos this year.

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We always ascribe to others that which we see most in ourselves.

There's an apocryphal story about Dear Abby giving some advice about trust issues and saying, "The people most inclined to look behind the curtain are those who have hidden there themselves."

Evan Thomas

New member
Willy, the statement you quote from Sen. Morse doesn't occur in the video you linked. The first part (up to "gruesome") is quoted in several news reports, but can you provide a link to a source that includes the whole thing?

If he really referred to opposition to gun control as "sickness," "madness," etc., that's pretty outrageous -- but I'd like to see where you found that quotation.


New member
I found that wording here, but it was in a comment from a reader, NOT from Morse.

Here's the reader's ("geoffb") entire comment in response to Morse's statement:

The removal of firearms from private hands is one of the tenets of the religion of progressive-socialism.

I consider their ideology/religion to be “a sickness”, a madness, which must be cleansed, at the very least, from this nation.

So the "sickness" or "madness" is what geoffb perceives to be progressive-socialism, and NOT Morse referring to gun owners.

Evan Thomas

New member
Thank you, Scott. I didn't read far enough into the comments section to find that.

That being the case, I'm going to close this. We don't need to sink to the level of the other side by misrepresenting what they say.


New member
An apology to TFL members...

In a post on John Morse I took what I thought was a quote from him and in reality it looked like a quote by him, but it was by a commentator. I am sorry. I think I was seeing want I wanted to see.

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