Colorado residents: What's this...


...nonsense being spewed by Ron Sloan, police chief [I presume] in Arvada, Colorado? Saw him on a recent FoxNews video clip.

He thinks that issuing CCWs in accordance with state law [being done in a small town...Wade Gately was their attorney and also shown] is "unethical and unprofessional".

Is there an unusually high population of bliss-ninnies and sheep in Arvada? Must be a suburb of some socialist hell-hole like Denver and/or a retreat for all those PRK ex-pats.

God forbid that the commonfolk exercise their RKBA, Mr. Sloan. It would mean that the average citizen would get to carry a handgun just like you and the privileged elite on your force.

We most certainly can't have any of that!


Member In Memoriam
Ah, yes ... saw the good Sloan's nonsense.

Straton (?), CO's CoP is issuing "out of county" & has pi$$ed 'em all off. CO allows CCW issue by a Chief of Police (city of any size - don't matter) or by any county Sheriff. Permit's good statewide.

Arvada is indeed a surburb of CO' Shining Example, Denver, & no, we have bliss-ninnie/Kali ex-pats all over the state. Thye're just packed in tighter in the cities. & actually, quite a few of the KEPs I've run across are so because of their home state's nutsoid mind-set - they are in the minority however.

Sloan's one comment that got me was the one about "a bunch of cop wannabes ... " Yeah right.

Notice too that his waiting list was at 3-6 months & is now over two years. :eek:

Larimer County's Sheriff merely waived the ~$125 fee for in-county applicants & @10/31, his waiting list was pushed out till 2/02 - & that's just for one county.