Colorado Protest - after action report


Member In Memoriam
Hoping for 200 - had twice as many easy. Crowd was riled, lotsa signs, lotsa yelling slogans.

Newsies showed & I got a damned mike/camera stuffed in my face & probably blew it. Others did better I hear.

All-in-all, far exceeded my expectations & I think we sent a message to the politicos that will be hard to ignore. (fingers crossed)

I'm beat & will see y'all tomorrow. (where's that gin & tonic?)


Member In Memoriam
Personal note. 400+ good people on the streets on a work-night in freezing weather.

A newsie who contacted me said he was stunned. Too, that they figure for every one out last night most likely equates to ~2800 others who have very similar feelings - you do the math.

The crowd was very peaceful but most certainly fired up.

Clear message = our rights are not subject to the whims of any misguided perception of "public opinion."

We will tolerate this political posturing at the expense of our rights no longer.

Alan Albertus
Loveland, CO
Tonight over 400 true Second amendment patriots gathered at Governors Park
and marched on the Governors Mansion. Over 100 came in buses and vans from Larimer County, 300 plus in the form of Libertarians from Colorado Springs, good folks from Ault, Fort Morgan, Boulder, Eaton, Niwot, Littelton. They told the Governor he had sold them out. They shouted, "empty mansion empty promises, one term Bill, We voted wrong and we are sorry," most telling was

These were not NRA sponsored folks, they were just there to say how they feel about a Governor who asked for our vote with an official position paper, that would make Chuck Heston cry, then propose government control of our freedoms.

Forty years ago we sold guns mail order and the crime rate and serial shootings were infinitesimal in comparison to today and yet we have enacted more laws in these past forty years thinking they would make a difference.

What have they helped? We need to change the hearts of people, not the laws that govern them.

The GOP who doubt the resolve of their core constituents need to reevaluate or they will lose the position they occupy today. Ask the former Sheriff of Larimer County.

D. Ray Hickman
Fort Collins


Moderator Emeritus
Good show, labgrade!

Thanks for the details. You done good. :)


"The people have the right to bear arms for their defense and security"
Ohio Constitution, Article I, Section 4
Concealed Carry is illegal in Ohio.
Ohioans for Concealed Carry Website

[This message has been edited by TheBluesMan (edited February 04, 2000).]


Member In Memoriam
What gets me is that the newsies report "NRA or RMGO" stages protest.


NRA/CSSA wouldn't jump on the bandwagon because RMGO had "it's fingers all over this" (direct quote from CSSA higher up BTW).

Half a dozen people had an idea. We got excellent organizational support from Ray (who would have been at initial meeting but was out of town) & Dudley/RMGO - couldn't have happened without their skills.

But & a big but at that - some PEOPLE kicked this off & others jumped on it. Good deal & no cold water thrown anywhere.

Kudos to all who showed & those who didn't, see ya at the next one & you really missed something pretty special.

The newsies got it wrong again, but they seldom get it right.


New member
Congrats Guys!! SOunds like a heck of a party. Wish I was there, but the 2000 mile drive would've done me in. I hope we can get something together similar in Maryland sometime.


New member
Good going! I was home sick as a dog, unfortunately... But I caught the evening news and was proud of the turnout!



Staff Alumnus
Funny how the ComPost and the RMN underestimated the crowd size. It was at least 400, probably more.

Funny how they also omitted the support we got from people driving by. I lost count of all the horns and thumbs-ups we got.

"If your determination is fixed, I do not counsel you to despair. Few things are impossible to diligence and skill. Great works are performed not by strength, but perseverance."
-- Samuel Johnson


Staff Alumnus
AND us fellow TFL'ers took a moment to savor our little victory over a brew or two. That was pretty cool. Thanks AGAIN Alan for putting this together.



New member
What's best about all of this is that the stage has been set for more gatherings of a similar nature. Future protests should be even larger, as I feel many potential supporters didn't show, both due to the CSSA/RMGO squabble and out of fear of being one of ten or twenty lonely protestors.

It was great to meet a few more TFLers, and see some of my neighbors I didn't know were involved.

Alan, you're a hero to the cause - organizing, stumping, and dragging down so many from Larimer county. Thank you.


Staff Emeritus
Americanism must start somewhere. Bless you for being at the head of the line.

Hopefully there will be others join the parade to restore a *legal* federal government.

Either you believe in the Second Amendment or you don't.
Stick it to 'em! RKBA!


New member
What? The TFLers got together for a brewski afterward? After the rally my wife and I just packed up and went home. Sure would have liked to meet you guys. Oh well, guess thats what I get for lurking at this site more rather than posting. Wait.... isnt' this a post?



New member
Guys, that is terrific! I admire all of you who took the time to put it all together and be there. My heros!

The shameful thing is that no one outside the state will ever hear of your efforts in the media. Now if you had been an anti-gun rally, you all would have been on the front page of my newspaper this morning.


Staff Alumnus
Dog, actually, we made the Civil Liberties site this morning. :)

"If your determination is fixed, I do not counsel you to despair. Few things are impossible to diligence and skill. Great works are performed not by strength, but perseverance."
-- Samuel Johnson


New member

You said the newsperson told you that for each person there last night that they estimate about 2800 people that didn't show but felt the same way...400*2800=1,120,000. What is that, almost a third of the population of Colorado? Hmmm...maybe our reps need to hear about this little detail.

By the way, I'm still curious as to why a weeknight was chosen instead of a weekend day or night. Just curious. I'm most available on the weekends.

Furthermore, any preliminary plans for the next rally yet? ;) :)


New member
Hey labgrade, sounds like a good start to the get together we're having in Washington later this year, right?

Like I said before, count me in on that one...

BTW, great job there. And you're right, the noose casters always seem to put the improper English on the ball. That's why they never 8-ball.

Best Regards,

The most foolish mistake we could make would be to allow the subjected people to carry arms; history shows that all conquerers who have allowed their subjected people to carry arms have prepared their own fall.
Adolf Hitler


Member In Memoriam
The good, the bad & the ugly ....

Good = yup, we all done good. Buried today w/e-mail & "some plans." Film at 11 ;) stay tuned

Bad = Illustrious Billness stated today in a CO Republican phone conference that Larimer County can (basically) stuff it. We (seemingly) don't carry enough state weight to matter. "Colorado" wants this junk, so we can go cry.

The Ugly = stay tuned - it may be a while (not too long hopefully - w/in a week?) & this ugly part gets to be us - again. ;)XX


Member In Memoriam
Re last post - note that noone else that was there, was "there" ... Hiz Billness has blown the rest of you off stating that it was those "Larimer crazies." You mad yet?
As luck would have it, I rceieved a glowing letter from (oh no! it's Mr.) Bill re his reasonable stance on "common sense gun safety laws."

Below's my response ... sorry (sorta), it's long but perhaps worth reading. Comments/critique - still needs some fleshing out & MSWord doesn't translate into here all that well. Was about 10 minutes of furious writing - the gall of that man!
Governor Bill Owens
136 State Capitol
Denver, Colorado 80203-1792 February 4, 2000

Dear Sir:

Thank you for your reply regarding my wife’s and my e-mails regarding your five "common sense measures" regarding firearms.

Being fully aware of your views on this matter is exactly why I was a main organizer of the demonstration at the Governor’s Mansion last evening.

They are not "common sense" and will do nothing to ensure the safety of the citizens of Colorado. They are pure political posturing and if, enacted, a further erosion on our (supposed) guaranteed rights as law-abiding citizens. For clarification, I refer you to the following.

Bill of Rights
In order to assert our rights, acknowledge our duties, and proclaim the principles upon which our government is founded, we declare:

Section 3. Inalienable rights. All persons have certain natural, essential and inalienable rights, among which may be reckoned the right of enjoying and defending their lives and liberties; of acquiring, possessing and protecting property; and of seeking and obtaining their safety and happiness.

Section 13. Right to bear arms. The right of no person to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person and property, or in aid of the civil power when thereto legally summoned, shall be called in question; but nothing herein contained shall be construed to justify the practice of carrying concealed weapons. "

You, Sir, swore an oath to defend and protect ALL portions of the Constitution. Picking and choosing between those rights you would sully in an attempt at "feel good" legislation will surely result in alienating the very constituency on which the Colorado Republican party so heavily depends.

I will never again remain silent on this matter, nor will I vote for any person who would support such infringements.

"What are they going to do? Vote Democrat?" you are quoted as saying. Yes, Sir. Democrat, Republican or Independent – it matters not to me as long as we have honest politicians.

I yearn for the day when one single politician has the fortitude to publicly stand up before the people, tell the truth and state that more laws aren’t going to provide for their safety. It is we, the people, who provide for our own safety by being law-abiding and a moral people. That, and the right to defend ourselves should the dire situation arise.

My rights are not subject to the whims of the popular vote nor to anyone else who may think "it’s a good idea."

I will use every legal avenue available to ensure any who support such nonsense look for honest work.


Alan Albertus CC: Doug Dean
3608 Ranch Road Mike Ciletti
Loveland, CO 80537-9688 William Kaufman
(970) 667-7256 Stan Matsanuka (and every e-mail
list and internet
site I know)