Colorado MMM conversations - you gotta hear this stuff


Member In Memoriam
Make no mistake. Colorado's MMM has been ifiltrated to beat the band. We are "ground zero" & all bets are off = no quarter, etc. I'll start to post some stuff (& yes, only those that are inflamitory (so much is just drivel) [but NEVER edited] so you can see what these folks are up to & their bent on today's societal issues).

Stand by.

If you think it sucks - well, just tell me & I'll not do it again.

I think it very important to get a drift as to how the opposition is "going about it."

Date: Thu, 02 Mar 00 20:14PM PST
From: Add To Address Book Add To Junk Mail Blocker List
Subject: [millionmommarch] My take from Tuesday Night

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I'm not crazy about guns, having lost two cousins to them. One, a handsome 19 year old fresh from Hungary, died in 1958 because of a stupid game of Russian roulette with a supposedly unloaded gun a 17 year old took without his father's permission. The other, a 16 year old, was assassinated in rural
Indiana about five years ago by two teenage boys because of some perceived injustice. And in early 1969, a mother and her eight year old daughter, where gunned down by another neighbor just three doors from my house. They were feuding. I babysat for the little girl who was the same age as my
youngest brother. She almost made it to her house and safety.

While I won't own one, both my brothers and my sister-in-law have hand guns.

This is my reality. They don't want them taken away and have the same bias toward people wanting stonger gun laws as I do toward the gun industry and the NRA. This issue is already tearing my family apart. We need to break through our biases to work together--to find common ground.

I joined MMM because we are composed of moms from every walk of life with varying views on guns and gun laws. After watching people be so uncomprising throughout the 80's and 90's, this is so wonderful! There is no way we can effect change without talking and working together. Our children
are our impetus--our common ground.

The gun industry is afraid. I believe they are afraid of the extremist element within the NRA; and they are also afraid of lawsuits and of being held accountable like the tobacco industry. Like all businesses, they must react to outside influences to survive. They want good press. It's in their best interest to have responsible gun owners and to keep guns away from children.

Why can't we exploit that? We want gun owners to be responsible and we want to keep guns away from children. While we may disagree on many things, why can't we come together on these two issues? I believe by having the WSSF involved, we'll gain credence in the eyes of gun owners and, hopefully, be able talk to one another. It has to start somewhere.

I was talking the Carm this afternoon. She and I agree that if WSSF's handing out gunlocks and prevention information at the march causes just one parent to attach it to his gun and save his child's life--well, it's worth it.

Progress, like a baby beginning to walk, begins with small steps.

Boy this was hard to write.....



Member In Memoriam
"-----Original Message-----
From: Kathleen Hopkins []
Sent: Wednesday, March 01, 2000 8:59 PM
To: Colo MMM
Subject: [millionmommarch] P.S.

Oopsie. I forgot to tell you that I'm scheduled to be on Peter Boyles (PB is a flaming anti on Denver's 630AM 5-9AM MS/DT, BTW - editorial comment by AA/labgrade) tomorrow morning at about 6:30 AM. I'm sure he wants me to talk about the case of the 6 yr old killing the 6 yr old. Not sure what I'm going to say, so cross fingers.

But I do need to remind all of you that, after all, I'm the gun owner in the group. Without the "industry" I couldn't have bought the shotgun or the ammunition. I specified that I needed a gun that would stop a bear and maybe a mountain lion. People are easier to kill, but I didn't
specify that. So I have a very powerful gun. (emphasis added for editorial comment = by AA/labgrade)

I tell you this to remind all of you that the Million Mom March is comprised of "middle America." We are the bridge. We are the ones who can talk to both of the sides of the isssue.


(this in response to "Springer" who was very adamant about "using" WSSA (Woman's Shooting Sports Assoc. meeting had w/MMM this past week. WSSA was willing to hand out saftey locks at a CO MMM event) - again, editorial comment lacking = info only.

Kathleen (CO state MMM coordinator did make mention (actual e-mail to follow) about "did you know that "shooting sports are actually an Olymic Event?"") Duh! & Duh!

Have to put in this disclaimer. You can't get into their reflector site to confirm any of this info unless you do a "I'm so sick of the gun violence, etc. & blah, blah, & please inform me of your upcoming events, etc." type of statement. Even so, they've gotten cagey & will only accept those who are "sincere."

Posted only as a public service announcement.


New member
i got this one:

Dear Chapter Leaders:

Earlier this week, I joined the Million Mom March team as the national communications director for the campaign. I am honored to be part of a coalition dedicated to such a necessary cause, and I had hoped my letter of introduction would fall on a brighter day. However, it is with a heavy heart that I am reaching out to you. Yesterday, we lost another one of our babies when six-year-old was shot and killed by her first-grade classmate.

My condolences go out to her family and friends, and to the other children, parents and teachers affected by this tragic event.

Originally scheduled to begin working in Washington, D.C. Monday, March 6 – my call to action came today. As communications director, I will be working hard these next few months to add volume to our voices as we call on Congress to enact common sense gun policy. Working closely with our media advisory committee, steering committee and you, the chapter leaders, I will be coordinating national media efforts to generate support for the Million Mom March.

Like you, I am just one of a million – but today, I joined a team of a growing million. And, with the news of this latest tragedy, we have work to do. What happened in Flint, Michigan is exactly what we are trying to prevent with this campaign. As chapter leaders, now is the time to reach out to local media outlets and champion the Million Mom March and its key messages.

We have already issued a statement from the national office expressing regret over the news of another loss and highlighting the Million Mom March March and its mission. At the same time, we encourage you and other chapter members to act locally, sending out letters to the editors of local newspapers, calling local TV and radio stations and offering to comment on the Million Mom March.

At the national level, we are here to support you in any way we can, and we have enclosed some sample materials and suggestions to help guide you through these immediate next steps. These are merely samples for you to use, or you can draft your own letter. (NOTE: to be more clear, maybe bullet out what we plan to send them with a brief description of what it is – letter to the editor, talking points, etc.)

As of Monday, March 6, I will be accessible to you by email and telephone, and I will get that information to you as soon as possible. Until that time, please forward any questions you have regarding these materials or this letter to Dana Kessler or Keva Dribben at 312-337-7400.

Congratulations on the work you have accomplished to date. I look forward to working with you all these next few months.


Melissa Connor, Communications Director

Million Mom March

Dear Editor,


> Once again our country has been hit with another gun-related tragedy. As

> a parent of two young girls and the brother of a victim of an accidental

> shooting (albeit not fatally), this is especially painful. I am so tired

> of the pain and frustration I feel from such tragedies. Americans, by

> wide margins, support common-sense gun laws, yet many of our legislators

> ignore them. We cannot allow them to do this any longer. Please consider

> this in the upcoming elections.


> I would also suggest as many people as possible take part in or support

> the Million Mom March on May 14th in Washington DC. The legislators

> cannot ignore the will of the people forever.




> Sincerely,


> Thom Balding

> Huntington Beach, CA.



New member
and this one too:
In response to the Michigan shooting that occurred this afternoon at Buell elementary school,it is very important to write to your local newspaper editors to reinforce the importance of the Million Mom March. The tragedy in Michigan is exactly the type of situation that the Million Mom March is working to avoid.

Below are two sample letters to the editor which you can use as a model in writing your own. Your participation is crucial to our endeavor. Your words will make a difference, thank you for your continued support.

Dear Editor,

I was outraged to hear that, yet again, another innocent life was taken. I was even more outraged to hear that it happened at a school—a place where our children should always feel safe. As a principal I can no longer tolerate our children dying in their classrooms and on their playgrounds—it hits far too close to home.

For too long we ignored the issue, considering it something that only happens to other people. The tragedy at Buell Elementary School in Flint Michigan illustrates that this isn’t someone else’s problem. Gun violence in schools is happening in big cities and small towns. It’s happening in urban communities and rural communities. It’s happening in private schools and in public schools. And it’s happening where you live.

This Mothers Day the teachers, students and families from my school, will join me at the Million Mom March in Washington D.C. We understand the need for action to stop this epidemic of gun violence. On May 14th we will ask Congress to help us take the guns out of our children’s hands.




XXX Elementary School

Dayton, Ohio

Dear Editor,

I am a senior at Greenwood High School in Greenwood Indiana. Yesterday in my Civics Class we were discussing the growing problem of guns in schools. It shocks me to see that a seven-year old can get actually get hold of a gun and bring it to school.

We were talking about solutions to this growing problem and someone in my class suggested enacting Federal laws for stricter enforcement of gun regulations. These laws would make it very difficult, if not impossible for children to have guns. Kids may not understand the dangers of firearms, but Congress definitely should.

Five years ago my brother was killed in a gun-related accident. Every time I hear about accidents like the one in Flint, I think that if someone had taken a stand five years ago—none of these tragedies would be happening.

So I have chosen to take a stand. My family and I are helping to organize a Million Mom March rally in Greenwood. We hope that this event, and the hundreds of others around the country, will send a strong message to Congress that it is time to pass sensible gun laws.

No one else should have to lose a brother or sister to understand.



Senior, Greenwood High School

[This message has been edited by dZ (edited March 03, 2000).]


Member In Memoriam
Date: Thu, 02 Mar 00 21:36PM PST
From: Kathleen Hopkins <> Add To Address Book Add To Junk Mail Blocker List
To: Colo MMM <>
Subject: [millionmommarch] Publicity and responses

More Details


Hi, everyone,

I was only half awake this morning on Peter Boyles. Still, I did manage to get one line out that he continued to use the rest of his show and will probably pick up again tomorrow: the only thing that caused that
little 6-year-old to become a murderer was the gun.

Spring, I agree with almost everything you said. I may even agree with it all, but I'm still thinking through. It would be very surreal to have any endorsement from the gun industy on the web site. However, Jim
Brady and Charlton Heston are appearing together next Monday--i.e. Handgun Control, Inc. and the NRA.

Marilee, what you say is exactly right. Of course the "industry" is coming to our side because of their own fear. And you're right that we can exploit this.

I confess I don't know. The great thing about the MMM is that we are already taking a "moderate" stand. Other groups (and some within our own membership) would want gun laws that are more restrictive than what
the MMM proposes. This moderate stand may be the secret to success. If we demonstrate that we're not "extremists," if we demonstrate that we're willing "to talk," we may, indeed, break the political back of the NRA.

That is my hope and prayer.

We have to figure out a way to plot our path through this maze. How much do we "talk?" How much to we compromise? On the question of how many handguns per month can be bought--we need to find another way to say it. The purpose is to stop someone from buying 155 guns being bought at the same time. Could there be a special license for collectors so that that person could buy mulitple numbers of guns but not other people?

Everyone should weigh in on this question. My own belief is that it will do no harm for us to completely thow open the doors of
communication. If the dealers want to appear reasonable in order to save themselves from lawsuits, great. Come on down. If Heston decides to moderate his message on behalf of the NRA, applaud him. If the NRA somehow comes out smelling like a rose (not likely, but pretend), that would be terrific. What we are all about is moving the country more to the center of the gun debate. We are all about REASONABLE gun
safety/contol laws. If these others want to appear to be reasonable as well, I would welcome them in. After we win this battle, then we start tightening up.


(enough said = AA/labgrade)


Member In Memoriam
Too darned beat to pull up the KH/CO MMM e-mail about "did you know that shooting is an Olympic Sport?" quote (it is a real quote, I assure you & will post if any questions - just too beat now - I will dig it out if there's any doubt as to authenticisty) ....

Any questions as to these gals' motives & the threat to your future?

A quote from Peter Boyles (the anti) today (3/2) - "when you break the back of the middle class, you will then effect a change in society."

It has validity. We are in a war of words. If this isn't taken seriously, we're - well, you figure it out.

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
Just watched "Roger and Me" yesterday. Guess that tells me a little about the place of the accident:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>The tragedy at Buell Elementary School in Flint Michigan illustrates that this isn’t someone else’s problem.[/quote]
I think that accident is being presented as "coing to a school near you" while the place is sufficiently messed up to differ drastically from your community and mine. Then again, being in Minneapolis, I am not sure of that...

Jeff Thomas

New member
Well, I'll grant some of these folks at least seem honest in their concern, and in some of their approaches. However, they are still sadly buried in ignorance, and that is a major problem. And, that is why they clamor for more and more 'reasonable' and 'sensible' gun laws, when the truth is that they have absolutely no idea what laws are already on the books, at federal, state and local levels. Nor, seemingly, do they care.

My favorite statement above is from the senior in HS: "... someone in my class suggested enacting Federal laws for stricter enforcement of gun regulations ...". Lord. Let me get this straight - they are proposing new federal laws in order to more strictly enforce existing laws? This poor individual needs a remedial civics class. A future Democrat politician, no doubt.

And, they try to parse and debate the tired 'one gun a month' idea. Never knowing or caring about the 'straw man' purchase prohibitions in federal law. After all, even if it is already outlawed, if it will save only one person, then we should enact more, duplicative laws, ad nauseum.

Someday I would like to read the scientific study that determines how many pounds of laws are required in order to create the perfect society ...


New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Oopsie.[/quote]

Can any of you see DC writing that?? :)

And what the hell is this form letter bullbleep??
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>
Five years ago my brother was killed in a gun-related accident. Every time I hear about accidents like the one in Flint, I think that if someone had taken a stand five years ago—none of these tragedies would be happening.

Do these people think lying is appropriate?? Give me a break! The way to get your way is to whine. Horse****!

"Those who cannot remember the past are doomed to repeat it."


New member
Labgrade: You can keep sending us this stuff as far as I am concerned.
Your Co. MMM State Co-ordinator, Kathleen Hopkins, is Halarious and Grotesque all wrapped into one big bundle. Get these quotes:
"The moderate stand maybe the secrete to success. If we demonstrate that we're not "extremists", if we demonstrate we're willing "to talk", we may indeed, break the political back of the NRA."
Gosh, I didn't know that moderate people went around breaking backs!!!! It speaks reams of her pyschology. She cannot finish a thought about being moderate without adding a qualifier at the end that is violent. And did you ever meet anyone who felt compelled to put the infinative "to talk" in quotation marks??? Great stuff.
"It is my belief that it will do no harm for us to open completely the doors of communication"
Wouldn't you like to be amongst a bunch of people who have to debate whether or not it is harmful to have communication?? And what happens to you when they decide, yes it is harmful to us?? Off to the Gulag if they had any real power, of course. What a delightful bunch.
"After we win this battle, then we will start tightening up."
Wouldn't want her for my general. I like to be in an army that sends you home after the battle.
I don't think she's going to be breaking any backs. She's too transparent, but I sympathize with what you are facing. I guess we in Mo. have someone like this running around too.


New member
Are some of these members for real or just playing a cruel joke? How many have really gone to the MMM web site and read the anti 2nd MAJOR BS that they are spitting??? Don't just read their cover page but also read the page titled Legislation if you really want to see where these lefties are comming from. I have never heard so much distortion and propiganda from even the most left wing of the liberal party. Their page is covered with flowers and "Mommy" stuff but under the pretty pictures lies a set of rotten dirty teeth. :mad:


New member
doc Zox's rule of inteligence distribution:

a) there is a fixed amount of inteligence on the planet
b) the human population is increasing


Member In Memoriam
"Date: Thu, 02 Mar 00 22:28PM PST From: Kathleen Hopkins <> Add To Address Book <javascript:addToAddrBkPopup()> Add To Junk Mail Blocker List <javascript:addToJunkMailBlock()> To: Colo MMM <> Subject: [millionmommarch] national thoughts
More Details <javascript:SubmitForReadHeaders('940eccgCP1290M09:-4', 'True')>


I should be passing on more of these messages from our national
sisters. This first from Vicki, the national coordiator:

Dear Kathleen,

That is really great about the Womens Sports Shooting Federation. I think you are right about waht it means. The extremists will become more isolated and it will be more obvious what they stand for.

I have often thought we should work with hunters also. My husband and brother in law hunt. They come home unload and lock their guns and have no ammunition anywhere near. They are both strongly for gun control. When the majority of hunters realize that control over handguns, and safety locks do not threaten them, we will have won another big

The work you are doing is so important.

All My Best,
Vicki King
Million Mom March

>From Annie:

Thanks so much - it's a terrific letter and I'm so amazed by you and your bridge-building! It will be lovely to meet you someday!

Annie Modesitt
Web Project Manager
Million Mom March Committee <javascript:WriteMailPopUp('');>

>From Donna:

I would love to meet with Shari. Do you think there is any hope of getting her to sign on to policy goals? The reality, that is what we are about. A child's teddy bear has more consumer protection regulation than a gun. That has got to change.

See if Shari would be willing to talk with us about coming on board about common policy goals.

You Colorado women are my heros!


And, again, from Donna:

Dear Kathleen:

As all organizations, we are in a constant state of evolving. All of the national groups like Handgun Control, The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence, PAX, The Bell Campaign and now MMM have agreed that the single
most important policy issue to go after is licensing and registration.

All new literature from us will reflect that.

The Handgun a month will be dropped from our platform. That doesn't mean we shouldn't support it. However, it has been a difficult concept for many to grasp.

Sensible cooling off periods and background checks are a part of licensing and registration. Childproofing is something that many of the stronger state groups will be going after with our help.

So...yes, we are about common sense gun laws. But we've narrowed our focus a bit.

I would still love to speak with Shari. Let me know.



New member
Mysogynism, anyone?


I am so %$%*&^* tired of all these extrogen-dripping, cosmo-reading nannies using their excessive spare time to attack us and our rights.

They really think that the world is a giant womb and that we should be all cuddled there in the fetal position, cute and harmless.

I am so tired of hearing this soft-speaking, starry-eyed new-world-order dreamers smilingly cooing to seduce people away from reason and self-reliance.

What happened to bridge and canasta clubs? Now you have to be an anti-gun matron if you want to belong to an all-girl social circle? AAAAAARRRGGGHHH!!!!!!


Private gun ownership is the capital sin in the left's godless religion. Crime is merely a venial mistake.

Check out these gals:

[This message has been edited by 416Rigby (edited March 04, 2000).]


Member In Memoriam
Coupla more touchy-feelies ....

"Following is an excerpt from the "Mourners" Spirit," -Stop the violence-written by Carol Kingsley when her husband, along with our daughter, and four others were shot and killed in a high-rise office building in
downtown San Francisco. It reads to our MMM and the wonderful people that are helping with this effort.

We, the families and friends of the victims united in fortitude, we work together, women, men, young and old, all races, all beliefs, share this belief: that each human life is precious, irreplaceable, that each human life deserves protection from the savagery of guns.
Together we march, in the streets, in the corridors of power, our storm of voices thundering for rights, for peace, for breath, together we stand to change the hearts and minds, to change the laws.
Our common goal is to herald in a new era free of gun violence, for the children, for the parents, for the husbands and the wives.
Together we stand in the promise of that dawn born from the coupling of our spirits and the eternal spirits of our beloved dead.
Raejean Stotler, mother of: Jody Sposato 6/11/63 - 7/1/93
Lakewood, CO"

And, if you can believe this ... Kat's the CO MMM coordinator. Pretty scarey to me.


I took time yesterday (about 4+ hours) to look carefully into the WSSF website and every single one the sponsors listed. I found quite a lot about gun safety (you might want to read about Project Home Safe.) I found a lot of events where they teach gun safety.

I found no sponsors that I had a serious problem with, except maybe Budweiser. I also wasn't pleased that the Beretta site had a $25 gun that I would consider a Saturday Night Special. All the other sites
related to hunting or competition--mostly assessories and supplies. No assault weapons even in the "law enforcement" categories. It may be that some of you have mistaken that rather "star wars" looking thing on the main web site as a gun. I thought so, too, at first, but it isn't a
gun; it's an automatic shell shot loader (for making your own shotgun shells.) I checked out all links to the links that I had time for.

None of them went to any of the really scary sites. None of them even took me to the NRA, nor does the NRA appear as a sponsor. If you want to see some sites that *I* consider scary, let me know. I'll send you
some that will turn your stomach.

All of that being said, I think I should clarify something. I don't believe the WSSF is offering to "sponsor" us. I heard them say that they don't do policy (or politics). I don't believe that they intend to put anything on the web or do any press release that indicates a sponsorship. They don't sponsor the NRA, they sure aren't going to sponsor us. I believe they simply are suggesting that they set up a table at the march and give away free trigger locks. I really don't see that there's anything more to it than that. It's no different than any other non-profit setting up a table.

We have some events coming up. The first is the meeting tomorrow between Handgun Control, Inc, and the NRA. If you can attend the press conference at 11 AM, please do so. I will be at the evening event just
to hand out literature and make a presence. You've no doubt heard that Charlton Heston has wussed out of the meeting. Today's Rocky announces that Heston will be speaking to a kCU student organization on 3/21.
There will also be a town hall meeting in Boulder on the question of gun control on 3/22, 7 PM in the Glenn Miller Ballroom at CU. What do you all think? Should some of us show up at either event to protest, or do
we just ignore Heston? If we protest, should it just be a silent one?
Should we try to organize or mobilize our own members who live in Boulder to attend that town hall meeting?

Also, of considerable concern to me is the radio host, Tom Kamb, who has the 7 PM to 11 PM show on KHOW (that's the same station that hosts Peter Boyles). Last week, I listened to Kamb screaming about how the
authorities should lock the little 6 year old boy up for the rest of his life. That was only because he knew nobody would have the guts to execute him. Kamb is spewing forth this kind of poison because he is
just as pro-gun as the people on the American Freedom Network, and he constantly rails about "guns don't kill people." So if guns don't kill people, it has to be the fault of the shooter, and therefore, we have to punish to the full extent of the adult law this little boy.

I believe that this kind of poison is part of the insanity out there. I believe that he, along with Resnik, are inciting the gun-owners into this dangerous and frightening opposition to us. I heard Kamb praising
the protesters (same ones as in Ft. Collins) for standing up for the Constitution. I'm going to write a letter to the station, but not sure who it should go to. I have the station address, but I imagine the true
holder of power isn't at that location. Could someone do some calling tomorrow and find out where the "buck" stops. I think we should all write letters. He needs to be taken off the air.

Last but by no means least, Ed Stein has started the "Mom" in Denver Square on her road to the Million Mom March. Check out today's cartoon at:
It will be fun to watch how this developes.

More later if I have time.



New member
I read these articles and emails just like you all do, and I am always left with the same feeling of fear. These people are intelligent, though misuguided, and they have a LOT of time on their hands.

The active anti-gunners probably outnumber us if you think about it. We have so many gun owners that don't do squat to preserve their rights because they only own hunting rifles, or they just don't "have time" to preserve what the founding fathers gave them.

I'm not saying this to be sexist, but I would wager that, in general, women are more likely to be anti-gun and men more likely to be pro-gun. Again, at the risk of sounding sexist, I would guess that men usually earn the money for the family while the "Million Mom's" are home caring for the children - and they have flexible schedules and more control over their time. That time is being spent regurgitating this rhetoric to yet another "Million Mom's".

Bottom line: They will outnumber us soon if we don't rally our fellow gun owners of all types. Politicians want to please the maximum amount of registered voters possible, and it's just a matter of simple math that we aren't going to be able to make enough noise to drown out the anti messages before too long. We've got to show the fencesitters what has happened in other countries. We've got to explain to them that "sensible gun legislation" can become draconian government control in the blink of an eye. And once the rights are gone, they are gone forever.

I sure wish I knew the magic formula. The statistics, the constitution, and simple common sense are in our favor, and I'm tired of feeling like a minority when I know I am 100% right in what I believe.


"Is your church BATF approved?"


Member In Memoriam
Thought-Nazi comes to mind. Everybody must be forced to do as they think or wish, or suffer the repercussions.

Even in our most vocal protests of these ladies (through bullhorns, etc.) we still have made it perfectly clear to them & the press that we would utterly defend their own right to free speech. That we disagree with the message is entirely beside the point.

And yes, if we don't get off our butts, we've already lost. Doesn't matter that you're an NRA member or not in the grand scheme of things.

Better start taking this stuff personal, 'cause sure as hell, they're coming for your stuff.

The CO group seems to be quite organized but this crap's going on right now in every state of this country. I don't think that y'all in GA can sit back & say, "Damn, them Colorado boys sure are in a fix."


New member
what scare me is the attitude of
"i think all gun owners should be killed!"


obviously, what we are lacking on this planet is a good, 20 foot long flying preditor.

Homo Suburbius minivanus needs a reality check
