Colorado is main national focus for Gun Control 2000


Member In Memoriam
The Antis have jumped on the Columbine Massacre with a vengeance. There has been at least one reference to it in the papers every day - some 9 months ago. They will not let it go.

Colorado has always been known as a (somewhat) live & let live state, mostly conservative & pro-gun.

CO has been targeted. If the Antis can get "reasonable gun safety" laws passed here, so goes the nation - one state at a time. 'Course, that's always been the plan anyway. Columbine has only focused the beam.

As much as California has always been just plain nuts re enacting gun control laws, I think CO is the main target.

I'd just as soon escape the attention.



Staff Alumnus
Arizona's looking better every day. :(

"If your determination is fixed, I do not counsel you to despair. Few things are impossible to diligence and skill. Great works are performed not by strength, but perseverance."
-- Samuel Johnson


Staff Alumnus
Count me in and remember.. everyone brings a NEW protester this time.

Our letter-writing and phone call campaign do seem to have some things stalled/tabled, and according to channel 8's live debate.. ccw WILL get discussed on the floor.

Whatever it takes guys.



Staff Alumnus
I'll drag along 2 or 5 people for the next one... of course, Owens will just pat *them* on the head too. :mad:

"If your determination is fixed, I do not counsel you to despair. Few things are impossible to diligence and skill. Great works are performed not by strength, but perseverance."
-- Samuel Johnson


New member
Quote by Dr. Rob:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Our letter-writing and phone call campaign do seem to have some things stalled/tabled...[/quote]

Yep, it's true. Good example from the Denver Post:


Feb. 10 - Gov. Bill Owens' plan to require background checks at gun shows appears to be headed toward defeat, amid some of the most intense lobbying seen at the state Capitol in recent memory.

A loss on the gun-show bill would gut Owens' gun-control package, leaving only the noncontroversial parts of his middle-of-the-road plan still alive in the Legislature.

A vote on the gun-show measure was delayed for the second time in the House Appropriations Committee on Wednesday because the legislative sponsor, House Minority Leader Ken Gordon, D-Denver, didn't have enough votes for passage.

"I just wanted to be able to sleep at night knowing that I did everything I could if it doesn't pass," Gordon said of his decision to postpone a vote. "If it does pass, of course, I'd have no trouble sleeping."

Another vote has been scheduled for 7:30 a.m. Friday. If Gordon doesn't have the votes by then, the bill will die.

Owens' staff is not conceding defeat, but they don't sound hopeful.

"I don't think we ever thought we could bat one thousand," said Owens spokesman Dick Wadhams. "We're working as hard as we can."

Instant criminal background checks already are required when someone buys a gun in a store. But at gun shows, many vendors don't do background checks because they're considered to be private sellers offering private collections.

Supporters of the bill say that "loophole" is a well-known way for criminals to obtain guns.

All of the guns used in the Columbine High School massacre came from a gun show. Robyn Anderson, the woman who bought three of the guns on behalf of killers Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, said they sought private sellers to avoid paperwork.

The NRA opposes the bill, saying federal officials already are abusing the background-check system to keep a list of gun owners.

Many gun owners fear such a list could be used by the government to take guns away.

The lobbying on the bill this week has been intense. The NRA sent a letter to its 80,000 Colorado members urging them to lobby lawmakers against the bill. The letter included the name and phone numbers of all Colorado lawmakers.

Owens' top lobbyist, Mike Beasley, has been working to keep the bill alive.

"It's the most intense vote-counting I've ever done," Beasley said. "In the nine years I've been lobbying, this is the hardest it's ever been." Members of SAFE Colorado, the state's lead gun-control lobbying group, have started going door-todoor asking people to call their legislators in support of the gun-show bill and Owens' other gun-control bills.

SAFE concentrated its phone efforts in the district of one swing vote on the House Appropriations Committee, Rep. Debbie Allen, RAurora. But so has Rocky Mountain Gun Owners, a pro-gun group that considers the NRA too moderate.

The pro-gun group was working Wednesday on its third mailing in Allen's district, and planned to go door-to-door urging her constituents to call her to express opposition to the bill.

Rep. Bob Hagedorn, D-Aurora, says he believes Allen will vote against the bill. But Allen would not confirm that Wednesday.

"I made that decision a long time ago," Allen said. "I'm not going to tell people what that decision is until Friday." Hagedorn, who is Allen's opponent in a state Senate race, says it will be an issue in the fall election.

"Her decision is different than mine and gives the voters a clear choice," Hagedorn said. "I think it's the right thing to do."

Owens' other controversial proposal - safe storage of guns in the home - was defeated last week after a Democrat, Rep. Nolbert Chavez, D-Denver, missed a committee vote. The sponsor of the measure, Rep. Suzanne Williams, D-Aurora, says she's working with Owens' office to try to revive the measure.

Owens' gun-control package is part of his response to the Columbine High School massacre. In addition to safe storage and requiring background checks at gun shows, he wants to include juvenile records in background checks, allow local prosecution of people who buy guns for criminals and children, and raise the minimum age for purchasing a handgun from 18 to 21.

SAFE has pledged to take any of Owens' measures that don't pass and put them on the statewide ballot in November.

Owens is in an odd position on the bill, pushing against the strong efforts of the NRA. Owens was endorsed and financially backed by the gun group in his 1998 election, and was ready to sign several NRA-backed bills last year before the April 20 shootings at Columbine.


For the House Appropriations Committee, where we can kill this bill, these are the most important votes to secure:

Capitol Home E-mail
Rep. Debbie Allen 303-866-2942 303-695-4920
Rep. Gayle Berry 303-866-2582 970-255-9121
Rep. Joyce Lawrence 303-866-2922
Rep. Brad Young 303-866-2940
Rep. Nancy Spence 303-866-2935 303-690-5106
Rep. Gary McPherson 303-866-2944

Let 'em have it!


New member
Part of the problem is that 60% of the citizens of Colorado, give or take a couple of % points, are recent transplants to the state. Of those people, a large portion have moved from states with far more restrictive gun control in place, such as NY and CA. It is "normal" and acceptable for gun control to be oppressive to these people. They are easily swayed to vote in favor of the status quo of where they came from. We must reach out to these people, or we wil lose them.

I'm not bashing non-natives with these comments, I am a transplant myself. I come from a military brat background, so guns and a lack of gun control is "normal" and expected for me. :)



Member In Memoriam
Good points all - 'cept for that Coin-guy who wants to run to AZ. ;) Stay & fight, Coin! (pssst - I know you will)

MMM has "leafed" Allen's (swing-vote Rep for HB1242/gun show private sales background check) district this past Tues & will again 2/10. RMGO will do same 2/10. "Leafing" is passing out fliers, etc. to target the Rep's district (voters), etc. Does have a huge mind-effect towards Rep as it directly targets her. Problem is, the opposition is catching on very quickly to these type tactics. With "public opinion behind them," we will get bashed.

Coupla themes came out of the meeting last night - can't say due to the nature of "keep it quiet till the hammer drops." I hate the secrecy, but I guess it's part of the game.

Besides the our-side too "leafing" of Allen's district today (2/10), there are 3X more in the works.

1. A fine gentleman (up north CO) is providing a coupla flatbeds & is gathering materials & private land so we can paint up a few big-o signs & park 'em with extreme visibility adjacent to major roads in No CO.
Yes, they'll be pro-RKBA. Wouldn't hurt for a few down south to jump on same-such bandwagon & follow suit.

2. Tanner gun show this weekend. We'll be doing some flyer handouts to gather (no names - who needs 'em) e-mail/phone #s for tree contacts. Want to have so we can do "instant notice" for whatever (do stay tuned).

3. MMM has thrown down the gaunlet for their next Ft collins meeting. They plan to do massive "support stuff" like ringing the meeting place with candle-holding jasmines, calling in all their big-guns from Denver & across the state, etc. Not sure as to what our response will be. That they would attempt to use the 1st to deny us the 2nd & then slam us for using the 1st (austensibly to deny them the 1st) to protect the 2nd - well, it becomes very convoluted. The press is sure to be there - probably called from both sides.

Well, that's 3, 2 more working.

Folks in The Springs need to start getting uppity & rabble-rousing. Major hassles to the antis has been through "up north" & somewhat in Denver. The South can't let "us northerners" run amock by ourselves (something about the "War of Northern Agrresion" comes to mind ;)) .... Stil, The Guvness, is saying that it's just "those Larimer crazies." There has to be a southern response to show 'em all that it's not just those up north.

Personally, I want to see a second massive (Mansion Maul was only first step in my mind, sent a message & empowered the hell out of us) demo almost immediately. Response at Tanner will be a telling point as to what kind of response we get. From e-mails, etc., it doesn't seem that anyone could keep another massive demo from happening .... time will tell.

Sorry for the ramblings - a bit hairy here today.


Member In Memoriam

HB 1242/"gunshow loop hole" (where "they" want to do a background check on ALL firearms sales - yes, private sales, too) was "tabled indefintetly" = has died in committee = yes! So good for now.

Already, I've been forwarded e-mails that the CO MMM ranks are looking for ways to start the "ballot initiative" which is the "mob rule" bit. That will truly suck, IMNSHO. This latest defeat for the antis has most certainly fired them up.

As a quick aside ... when was the last time you saw (On The Newz!) a report from a different states' progress on their activities relating to their (that state's) gun control methodologies?

That alone should tell you something!

Kali? yup & they've always been nuts (no offense to our friends there - God bless you all!), BUT - to reiterate, Colorado's on THE forefront due to the Columbine tragedy AND that we are such a pro-gun/liberty state.

If it happens HERE, the floodgates will be opened tremendously.

Take note of very similar bills being proposed in FL, MO, CO = almost word-for-word re Kali's SB23 re definition of what is now an assualt weapon. The definitions are exactly the same.

Coming to a state near you ....


Member In Memoriam
Interesting li'l tidbit from The Mommies are coming! reflector ...

Get ready , folks, for the initiative battle. And I can't wait to see the language. Sounds like it ought to be a doozey. It may be that these "ladies" will write the damned thing so restrictively that anyone w/half a brain will reject the whole idea. 'Course, if most folks had that 1/2 brain, we wouldn't be in the fix we're in right now.

"Fate of the gun bills, particularly HB 1242: Yep, I was there and heard it with my own two ears, and couldn't believe what I heard. But don't be discouraged. The initiatives have already been written, and they will start through the next onerous process next week. The initiatives will be much stronger than the watered down bill that was rejected, so some of our favorite legislators might be sorry they didn't vote for the bill when they had the chance. ... "

"First, an initiative has to be checked to make sure it meets the "single subject" law (you remember, we voted for that), then it gets to be challenged--which the NRA, et al, will certainly do. Then the state Supreme Court has to make a ruling on the challenge. As long as the intitiative is written well, they won't deny it. THEN, finally, we get to start circulating petitions. The approximate time the petitions will be ready to hit the supermarket parking lots will be first of May. What timing! Just in time for the Million Mom March!"

"My bottom line, and what I will say in the press conference Monday, is this: The 2nd Amendment will never, never destroy the 1st Amendment. Not in MY country. Not ever."

This be twisted thoughts, me thinks ...


New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>The 2nd Amendment will never, never destroy the 1st Amendment. Not in MY country. Not ever.[/quote]

Oh, but it's perfectly fine to use the 1st to destroy the 2nd?! I try hard to not hate people, but...grrrrrr. :mad:

The gloves are off now (if they weren't before). I dare one of them to ask me to sign their stinkin' petition.


Member In Memoriam
Figured it would get the blood boilin' a bit here & there. I can't believe the audacity of some people's kids.

That's got be up there with "Wadda they gonna do? Vote Democratic?" --> Hiz Illustriousness Owens. grr

BTW, the infamous TRT got a boat-load of e-mail addresses & phone #s at the Tanner show this weekend. Will make a very handy indeed list for pretty quick mobilization.

Looking to be that we'll have "an event" in about a week (nope, not on a weekend [yet])at an as yet to be disclosed location. Sure to make The Governor proud again as we once again demonstrate our civic duty & sense of pride. ;-)

Bob Locke

New member
Hope there's an "event" while I'm there from the 25th or 26th of February through mid-March! Gonna get a running start on my Colorado citizenship by standing tall with you guys.

I guess it may have been a good idea after all for Owens not to relocate to the governor's mansion, eh? Going to save him from having to move twice in a four-year span.


Member In Memoriam
"I dare one of them to ask me to sign their stinkin' petition. "

Anyone familiar with the legalities on starting (pretexting) to sign said petition & just running away with 100s of signatures?

Just curious & not endorsing the committing of any criminal intent.

"Crazies" do funny stuff all the time - the least of which may be running off with an already signed block of valid signatures. It could happen.


or (better yet) nifftier stuff to pull? Just tearing it up, setting on fire & cramming down said petitioners throat seems a bit obvious somehow in this pacifist's mind ;)


Staff Alumnus
Spotted on the Discovery Channel Sunday feb 13th... Re-Tasked HCI Commercial Begging the legislatyre to re-open the debate on gun control.. you guessed it "for the children".

Also in the news two Columbine students shot in an apparent robbery of a Subway Sub Shop. Look for the antis to say "see its still going on" and use this to pressure the legislature.

Thus far everyone has fought hard enough to "save face". Our fight is NOT yet over. Thanks for all the good work labgrade.. lets keep our ears to the ground becausethe Antis are sure as hell re-grouping for another attack and they are spending a lot of HCI money in our state.

Lets remind Bill owens of ANOTHER promise he made "ALL GUN BILLS submitted by the end of February". Lets face it guys (the state) we can't have the legislature argue about this all year long, there is other government business to attend to.


Bob Locke

New member

Owens is taking a TON of heat about anti-freedom legislation from the citizenry, and two kids get killed in Littleton.

This reeks to high heaven.


New member
Bob, of course it reeks. If two kids were found shot at a Subway in Columbus Ohio, do you think the press would carry the story nationally?


Bob Locke

New member
For the life of me, I can't get away from the feeling that this was a setup to get the anti-gun agenda back out in the forefront. It's just too coincedental with the popular uprising(s) against Owens's agenda.


Member In Memoriam
On a good note, HB1272/bill would have made Colorado law mirror federal law, barring anyone under 21 years of age from purchasing a handgun from a licensed dealer was killed in the House today. Really, what was the point in the first place? It's already against the law.

Scott McKay and Mark Paschall are big-time good guys & have twisted quite a few arms back into shape.


New member
between the letter writing and phone calls to first asking to vote no on any gun laws then doing it again to thank them is just the beginning.
know as we all do that the gun issue here will be the item untill nov.2nd. guess i am going to have to put my elected officials on speed dial.
if you spill a liqiud on paper most of the time the writing becomes illegible.
and how many phoney names do you think it would take to void a ballot petition?