Colorado Governor, Sarah & Jim Brady & guess who?


Member In Memoriam
March 6, 2000 (no time as yet) ... Colorado Governor Bill Owens meets with Sarah & James Brady!

Now, who else would you suspect would fill in the gaps at this most distinguished gathering?

Tired of waiting? NO peeking now.


Wayne LaPierre/NRA!

Yay! What do you suppose the topic'll be?
What deals will be cut? Will it be in your best interest.

Will we be there?

I know the answer to one of those questions.


New member
Waite a minute. I'm in the NRA. The NRA supports project exile and so do I. The fact that the NRA and HCI both endorse the program does not make it a bad one.

Don't think of it a compromise. Legal gun owners have been calling for the measure for years!


Bud Helms

Senior Member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Don't think of it a compromise.[/quote]

Wayne LaPierre is meeting with Colorado Governor Bill Owens meets with Sarah & James Brady? Don't think of it as a compromise?

Why not?

I will be the FIRST person to publicly apologize to LaPierre if I am wrong, but the evidence is mounting that he is carving up the golden goose that provides him with a living.

Project Exile has nothing to do with it. It has to do with Mister La Pierre representing our civil rights! Our natural rights even!

Go to NRA Board Election News.

You don't comprimise on principle.


"Get your mind right and the body will follow." - Shino Takazawa, sinsei, hachi dan, Keishinkan do.
Sensop's Corner


New member
I say it isn't a compromise because it is what the majority of gun owners want, regardless of whether any anti organizations want it also or not.

Don't believe me? Start questioning all your gun owning friends. I'll bet most of them support efforts like project exile. It is not anti gun, it is anti criminal. Gun owners are almost to a person anti criminal, right? It is sophmoric to criticize legislature we, the gun owning community wants, because one of our leaders might have to share some press with anti leaders.




New member
Conversely, should Mr. LaPierre and other NRA officials avoid Colorado allowing the antis to steal the headlines?


New member
Actually, I'm glad to see La Pierre and the Bradys on the same side of the bargaining table, FINALLY facing the real problem (crime) instead of facing each-other.

Sounds to me that if anybody is compromising it's the Brady Bunch! The NRA has been drumming the same message over and over for years: It's the criminals, stupid!

And for the Bradys to be in it with La Pierre means that they are realizing that pro-gunners are the most diehard anti-criminals.

If you are younger than 20 and not a Liberal, you have no heart.
If you are older than 20 and STILL a Liberal, you have no brain.

Check out these gals:


New member
Compromise......I'll show you a lot of dead white guys who thought "compromise" with the enemy was a good thing...there is no compromise on the 2nd amendment the NRA may not have the balls but we do.....and we will be force....get a grip guys compromise is the reason America is where it is today.....



New member
Project Exile is a good thing today but what of tomorrow when they start using it against people who are carrying peacefully with no intention of harm to others? Remember, Denver is the place where, even if you are carrying legally under state guidelines, your car will be forfeited to the city if you are caught with a firearm in your car.

Connecticut swore that the "snitch on your neighbor's guns" law would be rarely used and is already out of control in its first six months.

Incrementalism, people, incrementalism! That is what it is about.

Rights are not taken away in one fell swoop. They are taken as a thief in the night, incrementally, piece by piece, and once taken can never be regained without serious consequences to the government and its citizenry.

Gun Control: The proposition that a woman found dead in an alley, raped and strangled with her own panty hose, is more acceptable than allowing that same woman to defend herself with a firearm.

[This message has been edited by jimpeel (edited February 23, 2000).]


Member In Memoriam
The Devil's Advocate ....

We, of course, want ALL gun laws actively enforced! Extra penalties for using a gun in the commision of a crime? Are you more dead by being shot or by having Drain-O poured down your throat?

Extra penalties for using a firearm in a crime are red herrings and are playing directly into the hands of the antis.


New member
I have a BAD feeling that this "new" Project Exile is going to backfire right into our faces. Just imagine if some law passes where say, "It is illegal to posses a firearms of barrel length of less than 16" (Short barreled rifle) or OVER 20" (Sniper Rifle)." and we only have 30 days to turn in all our "evil" guns.

30 days pass and the military, FBI, and BATF have their own Night of Broken Glass and round up all the newly created criminals (us) and throw us in Club Fed for the "maximum punishable sentence".

This may sound crazy and paranoid, but who would have though a rifle with a bayonet lug would land you in Federal prison? Project Exile will remain the same, the law will just change to include more and more gun owners.

Lets not welcome Project Exile with so much zeal. Something to think about...


"Ray guns don't vaporize Zorbonians, Zorbonians vaporize Zorbonians" The Far Side


New member
Any compromise or altering the meaning behind the second amendment is akin to "everyone" swinging the proverbial axe and chipping away at one of the foundations of the United States Constitution! No ifs, no buts!


Member In Memoriam
From The Denver Post "The Colorado campaign slogan: Pack an illegal gun. Pack your bags for prison."

Incrementally, the "crimes" committed with guns will encompass more & more.

It cracks me (sarcasm) up to read in the paper that someone was arrested on weapons charges. In Denver, that can be you were driving to the shooting range, going hunting or you had a pistol in your car for self defense (legal everywhere else).

I'm all for punishing those who misuse items & cause harm to others. But, possession isn't a crime.


New member
There are compelling arguments that gun control must not only be curbed, but reversed. You'll see me post often that I think that gun control is not the answer. But to label Project Exile as gun control is a misnomer. It is a "reasonable" measure which has been on the NRA's agenda for years, in one form or another.

As for potential abuses. The gun owning community must be vigilant. We do have a voice, and should shout down unreasonableness. Denver can no longer target people with guns in their vehicles travelling into or through Denver as of this week. That is a pro gun victory. I agree that more still needs to be done. I do not agree that "everything" related to gun legislation is bad. (In my perfect world there would be dozens of gun laws with severe sanctions for violating them)



Member In Memoriam
I believe the Denver bit you're refering to has only passed (mumble) in the Legislature. Still needs to be signed by The Guv to become law. I'll agree that it's a good start, however, it only applies to folks who live outside of Denver. Denverites still can get screwed. Go figure.

I don't know really what I think about Project Exile. It being focused on gun crimes makes me pause. Why isn't it against ALL crimes? With a boatload of "gun crimes," it's very easy to have a "weapons charge" thrown against you where you may serve an extra sentence solely because a gun was present (even if not used in the crime).

Laughtenburg (sp?) amendement, is a fair example, whereas one can't own/possess firearms if guilty of domestic violence. Now, I'm not in favor of DV, but this law has hugely expanded the net - again.

And why is using a firearm in a crime any worse than any other object?


New member
While I'm certainly as paranoid as the next guy on this forum about the potential for our government to twist laws in a way that screws us, I have to put my faith in La Pierre this time. The NRA has been saying for years that existing gun laws should be enforced against criminals, instead of passing new gun control laws. Clinton resisted and resisted. Now the anti's are coming to the table. Who won? Clinton and Brady, or the NRA? In reality, the NRA won, but whether they can "spin" the victory better than Clinton is debatable.

If there's more bad guys in prison, there's fewer of them on the streets to commit crimes that will be blamed on us.

As for La Pierre sitting down with Brady, remember that Roosevelt and Churchill once sat down with Stalin.



New member
*sniff* *sniff*

This smells rotten, but I can't put my finger on it.

I think it was stated best above, by, I believe, jimpeel. Incrementalism. Sure, Exile sounds good now, but when more and more "crimes" start getting listed under the program, the anti's have their answer already.

"You all said that you want the laws enforced..."

Be careful what you ask for, you may just get it.

Monkeyleg makes a good point as well. Sure, Churchill and Roosevelt sat down with Stalin. We all know how well that turned out, don't we?

Don LeHue

Salad isn't food. Salad is what food eats.


New member
"Monkeyleg makes a good point as well. Sure, Churchill and Roosevelt sat down with Stalin. We all know how well that turned out, don't we?"

Don, I knew there'd be a response like that from somebody. The point though, is what was the aim of the Yalta conference, and was that aim achieved? It was, and we went on later to take on the Soviets.

If the NRA's arguments forced Sarah to the table, that's a victory. If I'm wrong, please
forward all correspondence to the Federal Correctional Facility at Marion, IL.
