Colorado First Annual Paririe Dog Fishing Tourny


Member In Memoriam
Yes, it's serious.

Yes, It'll be a hoot.

Details at:

Free Republic

Just at a party this evening with Tom (fivetoes) & our lines have been drawn.

Easy enough drive from Boulder & sure to draw major song-singers from kum-ba-ya to krishna-hari-krishna - could possibly rival Dan's Bake Sale & the protests at Rocky Flats - all in one fun-packed day of festivities.

Film at 11.


New member
Don't have to have ocean access to use the surf castin rig.
Even tho it is not new....should give PETA fits.



Member In Memoriam
Dear Sam. ;)

Figure a PD weighs out at what? a "magical" pound? Two?

Compute "scrabble factor" X traction in dust = 8 pound SpiderWire max. ;)

80 nooses tripped across PD holes & very patient folk w/binocs to "make a point," (besides the TV-factor) = a hearty good time.

There's a twist though.

Like I said. May rival Dan's Bake Sale .....

Film at 11.

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Eight-pound test would certainly be sporting, old chap. Def'nitely! Same problem as bas-fishing, though. It's not the weight of the PD, it's the possiblity of cutting the line on sharp objects between doggerman and dog.

The good part about the deal is that if a Pitiful PETA Person shows up, you can reel in a real, live PD and present it to that PPP. And, complete with adoption papers, as does the BLM with its burros.

The BLM provides a complete burro. You can give a dog to a burro's rear end!

:D, Art

gordo b.

New member
I'll keep using a Rodex 4000. I know a rancher who goes coyote fishing with big meat baited treble hook on wire 30 inches off ground. This grosses even me out!:barf:


New member
I have fished for dogs, and believe me when I tell you that 15 pound test is the absolute minimum, with 30 being lots better.

What a great way to enjoy the sun and a couple beverages!!!!!! It is more fun than you can imagine!!


New member
P Dogs and rats have a lot in common....

Good pets.
Pests in the wild.
Good sport.
Good eatin.



New member
While FISHING is not specifically mentioned, HUNTING Black Tails east of I-25 is prohibited in Colorado. Don't know if this would get you cross-wise with the DOW.


New member
' Had a guy in hunter ed. class a month or so back whose preference was 50 pound test line - for motivatin' dogs that refuse to resurface ... ' Said is was often tougher than boatin' a big striper ... :D


New member
Here is a link to the actual web site

Prairie Dog Fishing Tournament



Hope to see you all there. We will disclose the exact location as the time for the event gets closer.:)


New member
I think I'm gonna have to postpone my trip to Loveland, Colorado till April now. I'll have to see if I can find my tacklebox.

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Have seen a few prairie dog towns. Looking at mounds like the one pictured, I guess you can see why some folks think of them as furry fire ants.

:), Art


Member In Memoriam
"While FISHING is not specifically mentioned, HUNTING Black Tails east of I-25 is prohibited in Colorado. Don't know if this would get you cross-wise with the DOW."


Actually, The Rub may lay in "harrassing wildlife." There is a clause in the DOW regs.

We've bandied that about some & causes no nevermind.

"The Twist" is in the details - like I said.

Anyone in the local area, please do download Tom's flyer & post - especially in the Boulder area. We'd want maximum penetration for this event. Print out a couple hundred & stuff on Boulder windshields .....

Lots of players, lots of media coverage. Make it an all-out "all players" event. The more the merrier.

bbrins, drop an e-mail.

Wanna stick it in their eye? Let's Roll is a fave.

I'd say, "Let's PLay!"


New member
I remember Al and I and a few others bustin a gut talking about this at the Bill of Rights Day. It became a web page that really ticks the PETA folks off.

Labgrade and I had so many good times dreaming stuff up like this. I sure miss him.