Colorado .50 cal shoot - May 3-5


Member In Memoriam
This event has been going on for the past few years & I must say, is a hoot!

I'd bet an easy $250,000 ammo goes downrange - - many varieties of .50 caliber rifles (coupla M2s thru the bolt-guns), full-auto, a 37mm Bufor (sp?), bowling ball mortars. The night shoots are simply amazing. Think last year we had 57 shooting positions with several firearms at most.

Many have "rentals" available to rip off a belt (or so) of auto .30 cal/9mm subs, or take a poke or so with a .50 cal. At least one 20mm of Henry Bowman-fame was in attendance ....

(from RMGO's last e-mail ... My own comments in [ ] ... )

"Reminder, and a call for volunteers

Our .50 cal and Machine Gun Shoot is coming up soon - May 3, 4 and 5, which is two weeks from today. If you haven't made plans to come, seriously consider bringing friends to see a unique shooting event.

Event details and a map are at:

RMGO .50 cal map & details

If you come, make sure to dress appropriately - weather can (likely will!) change out on the plains rather quickly. It is a good idea to bring a folding chair (no seating is provided), sunscreen, a hat, and a windbreaker. Food will be available at the site.

[Many of us will be camping throughtout the event. DO bring appropriate clothing! I'd suggest a minimum of goodly cold-weather items - worse case = you get to leave 'em in the car/truck. Actually, worse case is you freeze half to death. ;) Better to have it & not need it. Food is available, but somewhat pricier than doing your own - 'nuff said.]


To make all of this happen, though, we need volunteers for the event!

With as many shooters and spectators as we expect this year (which could number over 1,000), we must have quite a large force of volunteers. Our front ticket booth, firing line, target placement, gates, and parking lot need to be manned the entire
shoot. No real expertise is needed -- just a willingness to do some enjoyable work.

Volunteers receive free admittance to the event and a free camping spot (sorry, just bare ground - you have to supply sleeping bag, tent or trailer). They also have the
satisfaction of knowing they are helping to build one of Colorado's largest shooting events.

[I would suggest a decent tent/bag as a minimum. Last years' shoot (Sept) we had pouring rain at night. CO May could bring rain, snow or both.]

To volunteer, fill out the form on our website at:

.50 cal volunteer form

If this form does not work, please e-mail the information to this event's volunteer coordinator, Alan Albertus, at:

Please do NOT reply to this e-mail. Address all volunteer questions to Alan.

If you want to volunteer, you must commit to at least one four-hour shift.

Friday 4-8 pm
Saturday 8am - Noon, Noon - 4pm, 4 - 8 pm
Sunday 8am - Noon

Saturday is the big day of the shoot, so please try to commit to one of those shifts. Though you will be contacted prior to the event (by our volunteer coordinator), please check in at the ticket booth dressed appropriately -- no camos, please -- 30 minutes
prior to your shift. If you wish to show up earlier than your shift, check in at ticket booth so that you do not have to pay admittance fee. You'll be placed in whichever area is most needed."

Questions/comments/attendance gladly welcomed. Nothing else, a good excuse to drop on by & say "hey."


Staff Alumnus
Hey, labgrade lets make this a meet & greet for TFL? I was planning on attending anyway. Its my "off" weekend so I could likely volunteer at the booth or whatever.

Know anyone with a BAR? :confused: :D


Member In Memoriam
Was gonna mention a "sorta TFL" get-together - works for me. Seems to have been pretty tough for CO TFLers to put together a decent shoot. If nothing else, we'll hang out, tell lies while others do the hard work. ;)

You have any kind of TFL banner-thingy where we could gather somewhat? If not, no matter, I'll be at the ticket booth & likely have our tent set up just by.

Far as volunteering, why not try that e-mail (stackin' up quick) & I'll fix you up with something much better than flaggin' in traffic - range access, etc.

Far as that BAR goes ... nope, quit drinkin' ;) but, I betcha I could get you on a semi-Ma Duece fer nuthin' .... howz that?