Color My Face Red!

Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
Earlier today, when I was home for lunch, I was attempting to edit the Current 2A Cases thread, by adding a new page to the list of cases, when I clicked on the wrong controls and ZAP! I had just hard deleted the entire thread. :eek: :( :mad: :eek:

Nobodies fault but mine. Complacency, thy name is Al.

I have an email to our sysadmin and I hope he can retrieve it before the system does its nightly cleanup. Otherwise, all the posts are lost.... Except for the first page. I had that opened. That tab is still open. So I still have all the current cases and links available to rebuild from scratch. (whew!) At least I have that much!

I apologize to everyone who has come to use it as a reference point.


New member
Al, we're all human. Thanks for being open about it.

We've all had a few of those moments, no worries. Worst case scenario, we can all pitch in with a little research assistance.

Maybe a new thread (with a copy/paste from page 1 of the old thread) and some of us can volunteer to look into one case each and post timelines/updates.


New member
Al - Assuming its some kind of Active Directory Server run system.... the admin can either recover the thread from a backup or fiddle around with the system tombstones that mark items for deletion...

Either way it should be fully recoverable.....

Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
Thanks Tom.

I was able to get to that part. What I wasn't able to see was anything past that first page, which I have.

I did find another site that has everything up post #223.

Between that and if you (or anyone else) can find the rest of the google archive, it may be a simple matter of adding in the posts after tyme restores from the last good backup.

Meanwhile, I'm still working on getting the cases and descriptors/links written offline. That simply means hand coding all the VB tags in order to link and format from the still opened tab on the original.


New member
Thanks for all the hard work Al. And if we don't get recovery... Thanks for all the hard work, again. ;)

If I get some spare time, I'll see if I can dredge up more cached pages somehow.
I was able to get to that part. What I wasn't able to see was anything past that first page, which I have.
Actually, I didn't realize that Google only archives the first page. Beyond that, I've got no idea.

Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
tyme has much better google-foo than I! I have a list of all the pages, all the comments, all the links, courtesy of tyme (google's last cache is the pg. 10 entry where I announced that Chicago will have to pay - um, 09-20 or so).

It may take another day or so for tyme to get time (he does have a real job!) to replace the thread from the DB. When we get that live, we can then post what was left out, if anything.

On a side note: I never would have imagined how many folks were reading that thread! I'm getting emails from all over, wondering what the heck happened. On the one hand, makes me feel good that such an interest is out there, on the other hand, I feel like such an idiot! :eek:

Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
You will note that there is a new "sticky" thread - Current 2A Cases - ver 2.0

The thread contains only the cases and is locked until such a time that the original is recovered. This is to assist those who are using it as a resource.

The thread is about 50% formatted and linked. I will finish it as I have the time.

Thank you all for your patience.


New member
Al, never let yourself feel like an idiot. The word "oops" is there due to humans being humans. If you actually were an idiot, you never would have been able to create the posts to begin with. :)

Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
Most of the original thread has been restored!

I've "unstuck" this one but I'll keep it visible (meaning, I'm not gonna delete it).

I want to express my thanks to tyme, who has spent a lot of his personal time in rebuilding the thread so quickly.


Staff In Memoriam
The word "oops" is there due to humans being humans.
The only time oops don't count is if the error risks GBH or death to the one in error or another living thing... (mainly humans though):D

Que Saran Wrap Que Saran Wrap (What will be, will be...);)


Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
So the restored file goes to page 9. I'm going to attempt to post the rest of the missing thread, one post at a time, up to the last goggle cached post (Sept. 20th).