Collecting Ammo


New member
For a while now I have had interest in starting an ammo collection. I want 2 rounds of everything I can find. I do have a comprehensive list.

What do you guys think is the best way to get this started?
General post in WTB forums?

ANY suggestion is greatly appreciated!


New member
Are You looking for 2 rounds of ANY ammunition, or just older cartridges?

I would imagine they shouldn't be live........

If You're looking for 2 of ANY Cartridges, Modern or not, I can put a few together and send them to You. I load for .270 Winchester, and You'd have a choice of bullets... I can also seat fired primers, or just an unfired Primer Cup, with no Priming Mix/Pelllet and no anvil...

Anything for a Child of the Lord. :)
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New member
I believe I would want live rounds. The reason for 2 of each is I know someone else who wants a collection.

Gun shows around me are rather crappy but I will give that idea a try next time one comes around.


New member
Search out Gunsmiths in your state- area. I've known some that have been in the trade a while to have some ruther unique stuff.


New member
When I was a kid I knew someone who had a large collection. He had quite a few lined up on the mantel of his big stone fireplace, and I remember being amazed at some the large rounds he had up there. He was a Vietman vet, and he had quite a collection of "interesting" stuff.


New member
That is quite a task. I admire the thought of taking on a project of that scale. Are you looking for all the different loadings by the different manufacturers as well? You will need a lot of resources to dig that deep. Figure Remington alone has likely produced more than 10,000 different loadings in the last 20 years.


New member
I have been a collector for 45 years. What you will find is that unless you are as finacially secure as Donald Trump then you will start specialising in certain rounds. The 30-06 has over 10,000 different loadings. I prefer above 30 caliber bottleneck cartridges. Some specialise in 45-70 others 45 colts and just about any other concievable round. The best place to start is the web site for the International Ammunition Association.


New member
I don't want to go into all the different loadings as I realize that would get costly.

I would be more than happy with collecting just the different calibers as that alone is going to take alot of time.