coffee stains


New member
hello everyone, purchased a parkerized .45/1911 springfield from friend of mine that was in a plastic carrying case. he had evidently spilled coffee on and in case a few days prior to bringing it to me. got home,opened case and wa-la, i now own a parkerized/coffee finished .45. any suggestions on removing stains. have tried several diff. cleaners with no avail. on the lighter side it fires great and looks rather unique(kinda parkerize/camo if you will:rolleyes:)thanks in advance for suggestions:D


New member
Now that is a new kind of gun abuse that I have not heard of. Are you sure it is a stain and not some kind of corrosion? Like, coffee is mildy acidic like soda, I guess. Maybe try pure alcohol on it. Or you might have to use something like a strong detergent. Otherwise if it has actually etched the finish, you are gonna have to get the gun refinished. Or if it is not rust or corrosion, I suppose they could apply one of those gun coatings over it. Those coatings should stick to a parkerised base pretty well. Thank your friend and ask what he was thinking for us.


New member
You might want to post a picture of what the finish looks like with the damage visible. I am sure some one may have good advise when they see the degree of damage you are referring to.


New member
I've seen something similar before and it was a light layer of corrosion. I'd oil it down with some flavor of CLP before it gets worse.


New member
If its a stain, maybe it can be cleaned. Disassemble the gun and try a steam clean on it . You need a high pressure cleaner. Look for one with 80 to 100 pounds of pressure. Use a short burst on a hidden area first...don't want to make a worse problem. If the problem is surface, this might do the trick...then oil it or clp...anything to prevent rust. Hope you find an answer to your problem.



New member
Well what happened?? Did your friend give you a discount refund for damaging the gun he sold you? Anything work on it?........


Member Emeritus
Y'oughta see, incidentally, how well Pepsi removes bluing from Colt Lawman snubs......


New member
So what happened to the OP? Maybe his wife found out he bought a new gun? or one with a stain on it, lol!!:D



New member
I would try something like G96 Gun Treatment or maybe Hoppes No. 9. If that didn't work, maybe some sort of Oxy clean product.