CO - stand by for another CCW bill


Member In Memoriam
I've mentioned that I was none too fuzzy with Choulber's SB60 - this session's only CCW offer to date.

Stand by for one to be offered by Dave Schultheis in the next couple weeks. No bill number as yet.

This one will set the stage for a goodly battle in the CO legislature & pit those who would "give it up" even before fighting & those who stand for our freedoms.


New member
I just caught a bit on the radio, the reporter said it was a "shall issue" bill, and that Owens was behind it. Let's see what it really is.....


Member In Memoriam
Owens is behind Choulber's SB60 which has already been offered and has allmanner of "price tags." You can look it up yourself using CO's statute manager - or ask & we'll get it posted.

The Schultheis bill (yet to be offered) will also be shall issue & much more in line with Vermont, but with a permit (hint - state reciprocities).


New member
I will be suprised if any thing is ever passed, With Denver strangle hold on the state. IN Denver you can not even open carry so I dont see any conceal carry ever passing. The entire state put too much in what those BOZOS in Denver say, look at the LoopHole BS .

ps CSSA is behind it and supporting it SB02-060

My X representive Fran Coleman told me that if I don't like the laws of denver I could move, So I Did!:barf:

Bob Locke

New member
IN Denver you can not even open carry so I dont see any conceal carry ever passing.
Concealed carry permits issued anywhere in the state are valid in Denver, with the usual exceptions (post office, courthouses, etc.). And there was also a law passed a year or so ago that did away with Denver's unlawful taking of vehicles simply because the driver had a loaded firearm in the car.

Spoke with Sen. Dave Owen (R-Greeley) this afternoon about SB-60. He's not 100% for it and is going to try for a couple of amendments to clean it up a little, but he also told me that it's about as good a bill as he could see getting through the Senate this year. He also told me that Gov. Owens won't sign anything that doesn't include some sort of training requirement (which I see as some sort of bone tossed to the NRA since their instructors will get the lion's share of that work/money), so don't expect that to come out as the bill moves forward. The first part that the senator wants to remove is the part that will cause all currently-issued permits to expire in June 2003 and everyone who holds a permit will have to reapply. I told him that part was on my list, too, but not anywhere near the top. All in all, I think he'd love to see Vermont-style carry adopted in Colorado, but doesn't see a chance of it happening this year or in the near future. I told him I'd settle for a basic, no-frills shall-issue with state reciprocity for now. He chuckled and told me that would suit him, too.

Waiting to see what the Schulteis bill looks like.


New member
Reciprocity is about the only thing we have to gain, those of us who don't live in Denver. I'm not sure I would trade that for not being able to carry in some of the places I can now.

Bob Locke

New member
Reciprocity is about the only thing we have to gain, those of us who don't live in Denver. I'm not sure I would trade that for not being able to carry in some of the places I can now.
Actually, it would also change the "may issue" language to the much-preferred "shall issue". Takes the discretion away from the sheriffs and police chiefs entirely. If they can't prove that you cannot legally have a permit, then they MUST issue one to you. I'll grant that for a large part of the state "may issue" already basically equates to "a done deal", but one election can change that, or one bad incident (look at what Owens did after Columbine) may cause a change of heart for the current chief LEO.

But I still think the bill as a whole is a wash, at best. There are at least as many negatives as positives. If we could win a couple of amendments, it would be a pretty decent bill, IMO.


New member
The thing that needs to be reinforced, and reinforced, and reinforced is the recent decision wherein a judge threw out eight of the nine Columbine familie's lawsuits against the sheriff's dept. The decision stated that the police have no duty to prevent crime, to stop a crime, nor to investigate a crime that has been commited.

This threw everyone into a quandry including some of the staunchest antis in the state like Peter Boyles (talk show host), and Dan Caplis(sp?), et al who have now expressed their misgivings about their prior opposition of CCW.


Member In Memoriam
All good points - gives me (some) heart re CO this year. Many more though need some work on their thinkings (please do sign up for the CoRKBA e-mail "alerts" - ask me how if you can't get there .... )

I'd just as soon see every proposed CCW bill shot down & live with the status quo as see a bastardized bill get through & to The Guv Bill signings ... Mr Bill will use this latest "I'll sign a "good CCW" bill to get re-elected ... he's a pimp, as is our NRA-state affilate, the CSSA.

Again, current CO law specifically allows those with CCW to carry in schools. This latest bill (SB60) will disallow sveral aspects of CCW that we already have.

It's a step back.

Doubtful really that anything will even get out of the Dem-controlled Senate committee - other than something that will 1/2-gut our already decent statutes.

Stand for a decent bill, or you're just dickering price ....


New member
I'd like to see a shall issue bill passed that:

Stipulated a NCIS background check.
Stiplulated a relatively quick turn around time.
Stipulated a reasonable fee.
Imposed no more restrictions than we now have.