(CO) MMM (finally) arrested for assault against TRT member


Member In Memoriam
Any typos, etc. are mine. Couldn't find a link on the Coloradoan website - typed it in.
Some items abreviated 'cause I didn't feel like typing them over & over.

Info from the police re why it took almost a month to charge Trine should be forthcoming but seems their public relations folk don't work weekends. That # is (970) 221-6333). City Attorney's # is (970) 221-6520

Bit of a different slant to this article than Waynes a week or so back ...

"Million Mom altercation results in assault charge

By Jenn Farrell/The Coloradoan 9/2/00

A gun-control supporter who attempted to block her face with a clipboard during a heated Million Mom March meeting last month has been charged with assaulting a protestor, Ft. Collins police said Friday.

Cherie Trine, 41, of Ft Collins (524 West Magnolia Street, Ft Collins, 80521, (970) 472-9828), was at the Aug. 15 meeting between the MMM & SAFE CO members & Tom Mauser, whose son was killed at Columbine High School. The meeting was held to talk about an amendment on November's ballot that would require anyone selling guns at a gun show to conduct a background check.

The meeting erupted into a dispute between the Tyranny Response Team, whose members are opposed to the amendment, and those attending the meeting. When a protestor pointed a video camera at Trine, she held up a clip board, police and witnesses said. She is accused of causing the eyepiece of the camera to be pusjed into the protestor's eye.

Ft. Collins police spokeswoman Rita Davis said Trine was cited for third degree assault, a class 1 misdemeanor. Class 1 misdemeanors are punishable by between 6 & 18 months in jail and a fine of $500 - $5,000, according to CO Revised Statutes.

Davis said she did not have the assaulted protestor's name.

Trine said she was holding the clipboard out to the protestors so they could sign up as new members. She said she raised the clipboard in front of the camera, but did not swing it.

"I feel like I'm getting kind of scapegoated out of the whole thing," she said. "If I'm being scapegoated, it's because the people I feel really broke the law was the Tyranny Response Team. I don't feel like we (The MMM) did anything wrong that night."
"the people I feel really broke the law was the Tyranny Response Team"

I wonder how that could be...

The guy attended a public meeting and rammed his face into her clipboard?

Beware the man with the S&W .357 Mag.
Chances are he knows how to use it.


New member
I DIDNT SEE THIS ON THE NEWS!!!!!! I want to see this on the 10 o'clock news! But, atlast this wont work for the agenda! So the chance of this making the news i nill. Now on the other hand if a Pro-Second Sister got arrested it would be plastered all over the news for like 1 week non-stop!

Dead [Black Ops]


New member
I certainly hope this carries forth, and she loses her license to practice/operate her child day-care center.
Not to be vindictive, but who wants their child under the care of one who physically strikes another when they feel they've lost their sense of control?

The message needs to get out to these anti-2nd, anti-self defense groups that there are penalties that come with lack of self control. Something that I'd say most gunowners already understand clearly.

She needs to understand that it's not us that she needs to fear, rather the government that she, and her group, are attempting to usher into control. She needs to learn the circumstances of why Hitler came to be. Why Stalin came to be.

She needs to learn about American History, and why we have the right to possess firearms. Why we have Freedom of Press, and Freedom of Speech. And the Right to Lawfull Assembly.

She and her group were apparently under the belief that when they posted a public notice of their meeting, that it was understood by "everyone", that that meant only their own circle. Another gross misunderstanding about public notices, that state open to the public.

"To control people you control the food, to control a nation you control the FUEL."

H. Kissenger

Gary H

New member
Thanks for the information. I really don't want anyone to go to jail. I just want the government to leave me alone.

Don Gwinn

Staff Emeritus
Sounds like she learned her evasion skills from the kids at the daycare--"Gee, I was just holding it up in front of me and sucker just ran right into it!"

I especially like that first line of the article:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>A gun-control supporter who attempted to block her face with a clipboard during a heated Million Mom March meeting last month has been charged with assaulting a protestor, Ft. Collins police said Friday.[/quote]

REALLY? So the police said that they believe that she was "just trying to block her face," but they're still charging her with assault? Why do I find it hard to believe that the police said any such thing?

Red Bull

New member
Yeah, let's think about the logistics here for a second.
A guy is videotaping her, which means he had to be far enough away to focus and get her in the frame. She supposedly lifts the clipboard to block her face, and it gives him a black eye.

#1 He had to be too far away to get hit on accident.

#2 If she were blocking her face she would be bringing the camera UP, in front of and close to her face, rather than toward the camera to hit it.

#3 How was enough force generated to give him a black eye if she was not using forceful motions but merely trying to put the clipboard up in front of her face?

#4 Her story changed, because she said at first that she was just trying to show them the clipboard to get them to sign it and she accidentally hit him.

And the last question is: How come the paper states as a FACT that she was trying innocently to block her face, rather than telling the story objectively and saying that she claims that she was only blocking her face. The very first sentence of the story shows extreme bias.

[This message has been edited by Red Bull (edited September 04, 2000).]


New member
I dunno...I think the TRT should give a copy of the videotape to the local TV stations.. :) It might get some airtime.



Member In Memoriam
Doubtful re the air-time ... press ain't much into the truth around here.

& too funny! Ms. Farrell, "author" of the article, called the house today & wants to do an interview re "any plans to demo against the Commy Mommies 9/15-16 (their national F-fest) ....

Oh, let me count the ways! ;)