CO Demo against Bradys/SAFE, March 6 - 1000+ to be there


Member In Memoriam
Sarah & Jim Brady in Denver to meet with SAFE & to kick off their Colorado fundraiser for the November ballot initiative.

The CO legislature has not implemented the gun laws that the anti-gunners wanted (so far). The antis have vowed to place the gun-control issue on the November ballot.

Colorado IS ground-zero for gun control in the USA. We must stop it at all (legal) costs.

HUGE demo planned to protest this fundraiser event. Pulling out all the stops ....

It's at the Denver Hyatt Regency, 17th & Welton, 5-8 PM. We want to "welcome" them at the beginning and be there for their leaving.
Demo for the full 3 hours.

Even if you can only show up at 7PM - DO IT! Show these people that we care about our rights.


Spread the word & distribute this to everyone you know. Cross-post to web-sites, etc. Get the word out & do it now.

Thank you, folks.


New member
Imagine if pro-gunners from within an easy three-hour drive from Denver were to show up. That would make a statement!

We all, of course, wish you great success.

By the way, did I hear a truthful rumor that there will be massive amounts of Shiner Bock shipped in to help celebrate after your stand against the antis??


Member In Memoriam
Actually, from WY (to the north) & The Springs (from the south), it's only 1.5 hours & covers probably 1/2 of CO's population.

Hope we can get the folks out.

We've had excellent results so far with the demos against The Guv (400+ 2X) & MMM (which are, to some VERY politically incorrect).

This particular demo is against a ballot initiative and the Bradys/HCI, outside $/influence, etc. Should be something all pro-rights folks can get behind.

We'll see just how much people want to keep their freedoms.

Willing to get out & shout about it & perhaps make a big difference or sit back & whine when they take it all away.

Pretty much up to the people. Always has been, always will be.


New member
Denver's about a two-day drive for me, so I won't be attending. But I just wanted to remind you folks to remind others about their appearance. The media will instantly glom on to the guy in hunting camo with the baseball hat imprinted with "nuke em all and let God sort em out." Every time we have some kind of
pro-gun turnout here, I get steamed at these guys for letting the media define us. We should dress for these occassions as we would if we were going to a wedding.

Just my opinion,



Member In Memoriam
Actually, the media has been about 1/2 & 1/2. Those that already hate us give us bad press. & some have actually been open/fair-minded about the whole thing.

We have stressed the "no camo" bit for the reasons you cited. But that's about the extent of it. At 20 degrees, a suit isn't all that comfy & besides, you should see some of the weddings I've attended. ;)

Hey, we be ordinary ol' folks who don't care for what they're trying to pull.


New member
Is this for sure? Because if so, I think I'll phone around to the local gunshops, ask if they're aware, and ask if I can bring by flyers for them to post in/around their shops. BTW, what should I put on the flyers for those who want more info?


Member In Memoriam
Well, BAB, it's as for sure as Monday's comin'. It'll be more for sure if people show up.

As an aside, here's the info from SAFE:

"SAFE News
Newsletter of Sane Alternatives to the Firearms Epidemic -- Winter 2000
(formerly known as the Colorado Coalition Against Gun Violence)
1738 Wynkoop St Suite 1 Denver CO 80202 303-298-8001

Jim Brady in Denver March 6

Please join Jim Brady, survivor of the assassination attempt on President Ronald Reagan, for a reception at the downtown Denver Hyatt Hotel, 1750 Welton St on Monday, March 6. The private reception from
5:30-6:30pm is $500. The public reception from 6-8pm is $150, $50 for students. Proceeds will benefit SAFE Colorado. To get tickets, please call 303-563-7233."

Real as it gets. BAB, check your e-mail for MSWord attachment/flyer, etc. & if you can distribute at gun shops, etc., you're a hero in my book. We don't have any Denver coverage-folk yet.


Staff Alumnus
It's for sure. I've already printed 150 copies of the flyer on my laser and will start farming them out tomorrow. I'll have a stack on my desk at work too. :)

"If your determination is fixed, I do not counsel you to despair. Few things are impossible to diligence and skill. Great works are performed not by strength, but perseverance."
-- Samuel Johnson


Member In Memoriam
Passed on without editorial comment .... from the MillionMomMarch reflector ....
Date: Thu, 02 Mar 00 19:30PM PST
From: Ted Pascoe <> Add To Address Book Add To Junk Mail Blocker List
Subject: [millionmommarch] Jim Brady and Charlton Heston in Denver to Launch Project Exile

More Details


Jim Brady of Handgun Control, Inc and Charlton Heston of the National Rifle Association will both be speaking at a press conference to launch Colorado Project Exile on Monday, March 6, 11AM in the 3rd floor ballroom of the Westin Hotel Tabor Center, 1672 Lawrence Street in downtown Denver.


Other speakers to include: US Attorney Tom Strickland, Tom Mauser and Wayne LaPierre, President of the NRA.

This marks the only time Brady and Heston have appeared together anywhere.

Colorado Project Exile is designed to better enforce existing gun laws. Sane Alternatives to the Firearms Epidemic (SAFE)
supports the initiative. It is important that we have all who share this view in attendance.

Hope to see you there!

Ted Pascoe"


Member In Memoriam
To the press .... 3/5PM

"For Immediate Release

The Tyranny Response Team, a non-affiliated, grass roots group of local citizens, is outraged at the tyrannical and unconstitutional gun laws that the SAFE organization is attempting to put on the November ballot, here in Colorado. These are the same absurd proposals that the Colorado
legislature so wisely voted against in the last session. We are further outraged by these people exploiting the human tragedy of gun violence, by attempting to manipulate human emotions with the appearance of former
Reagan Press Secretary, James Brady, to kick off their fund raiser, here in Denver.

We will hold a boisterous and passionate demonstration to tell both Mr. Brady and the SAFE organizers that neither they, nor their agenda are welcome in Colorado and we will commit ourselves to do everything in our
power to defeat their efforts and preserve The Bill Of Rights and our freedoms.

We expect hundreds of our supporters to join us outside of the Hyatt Regency Hotel at 17th and Welton in Denver, on Monday, March 6, 2000 at 5:00 PM, where the SAFE organization and Mr. Brady will be holding their fund raiser.

With the tragic shooting deaths that occurred last week in Michigan and
Pittsburgh, the Clinton Administration has redoubled its efforts to pressure the Congress to pass even further Draconian gun control measures. We will not allow the actions of a few depraved individuals to
be used as an excuse for those politicians and paid, professional lobbyists, like Tom Mauser and Sarah Brady, to destroy our rights and the Second Amendment, in particular.

The days of gun owners depending on the lobbying efforts of the NRA to preserve and defend our gun rights are over. We have been left no option but to take our battle to the streets and show the world that we, the
people, will no longer tolerate any further erosion of our liberty. The time for complacency is over.

See you there."


New member

I can't be there to help ya'll, but I can be there in a different way.

Let me know where to send it, and $100 will be on its way. I know you can use it, if only for Shiner after the event. ;)



Member In Memoriam
Must've read your note, Joseph, 20 times since you posted it.

Deeply touched & a bit stunned.

We did a two-day gun show a couple weeks back to get names for e-mail alerts, etc. Quiet a few wanted to make donations & we turned every one down - didn't know what to do with the money.

I've never seen such baffled looks - somebody turning down money!? & besides, who would we give it to? We're not any organization - pure-as-the-driven-snow grass roots.

One of our guys made up seven t-shirts for the "original folks." Since then, a ton of people have wanted 'em so he did up another coupla hundred that have mostly sold out. We make a few bucks outa that for incidentals.

We are giving away 25 to the first kids that show at each event now. :) Tyranny Response Team hardly fits (even around) on a kid's shirt. ;)

Everything else is what folks just cough up for an event - just comes outa their pockets & glad to do it. You wouldn't believe the creativity someone can do with just a few dollars & the will to stand & yell.

Some guy threw together a bus in case we got that many - turned into two busses at $7/person. That's another 100 folks attending from one guy doing one small part.

It certainly isn't about money. It's the other F-word.


Again, deeply touched by your offer. Please hold onto it and perhaps start your own "crazy bunch" out there.