(CO) Constitution Monday/Denver 10/2


Member In Memoriam
Here's one we can all get into regardless of any differences in the hows & whys of best dealing with our Colorado political climate. If we can't stand together for the Bill of Rights, we're sunk already.

See you there!

& NRA caps are certainly welcome, as are all freedom-loving peoples of all ages & persuasions.

Hit those lists, folks.


"-----Original Message-----
From: Ari Armstrong [mailto:ari@oneimage.com]
Sent: Tuesday, August 15, 2000 4:32 PM
To: aa1@rmi.net
Subject: Constitution Monday


OCTOBER 2, 2000
4:30 - 7:30 pm

It's time again to take a stand for civil liberties and the ENTIRE Bill of Rights. Don't let Janet Reno have the last word! Reno called for October 2 to be a day to rally against civil rights, but we're not going to let her get away with that! JOIN US for a PRO civil rights rally on October 2, the day we're calling Constitution Monday! Let Janet Reno know that America is STILL the land of the free and the home of the brave.


** Harry Browne, Libertarian Candidate for President

** Bob Glass, Publisher, Partisan Magazine

** Dudley Brown, Rocky Mountain Gun Owners

** Dr. Shawn Elke Glazer, Candidate for State Representative

** Ari Armstrong, Colorado Freedom Report

** Crystal Albertus, TRT Co-Founder

** Debra Collins, CO SAS Coordinator

Other top speakers will soon be added to the lineup!

Mark your calendars, and be there to help us celebrate Constitutionally limited government and **ALL 10** of the Bill of Rights!

See you there!"


Member In Memoriam
I know it's a ways off - a whole month & a half roughly - but this is one that we hope to pull quite a few groups together for a one-size fits all rally.

CSSA/NRA, RMGO/GOA, SAS/AIMM, TRT, GOP, Dems (we love you = hugs), libertarians (see the sender, Ari = bigtime Lib) ....

This is our liberities we are talking about here & we (in every state) need to start seeing people in the streets demanding that the states & the Feds leave us alone.

This rally itself will be very non-confrontational - not a TRT demonstration against anything, but only a reaffirmation of our rights - most likely at times being pointed out in very succinct terms.

Thanks for the comments, Coin & did love your "two thumbs up" in the "BBS monitored" thread. ;) Hope to see you again there.


Member In Memoriam
OK, so where's the rest of youse guys?

In case any of y'all missed it ....

"Reno called for October 2 to be a day to rally against civil rights, but we're not going to let her get away with that! JOIN US for a PRO civil rights rally on October 2, the day we're calling Constitution Monday! Let Janet Reno know that America is STILL the land of the free and the home of the brave."

So .... anybody out there? Anybody else going to do anything about it & if not, why the hell not?

Jeez! Kali & NY getting raped once a week & fully 20% of the states are already screwed due to licensing schemes, etc. .... where's the line, folks? Aren't you absolutely pi$$ed! yet? & there's plenty more waiting in the wings ...

Interesting interview with Brian Puckett (a guy with real brass ones that we've all "canonized") a coupla days ago & all those "in the know" (lawyers, constitutional scholars, etc.) that he's been in contact with all agree:

We have to take this civil rights issue = "we are NOT the problem" & "what's that got to do with me?" aspect of firearms ownership - to the streets. Period. En mass. Before anything is going to happen & the SCotUS will issue any ruling whatsoever re The 2nd.

I agree.

From what I see on this, the most active & pro-board I've ever seen, we suck as a whole.

Anybody that's got time to play in here for hours a day, all week, ain't putting their money where their mouth is. Let's bitch (again) to the choir ..... that'll do it.

Legal/Political ought to be reports of how we are wrecking havoc on the enemies of our freedoms (with side reports of where next we need to concentrate our efforts).

... if you got time to get in here & "play," then you've got way plenty time to actually get out, be active & do something productive ..... 'course, that takes you puttin' it out on the line, getting out of that comfort zone & actually doing something that makes a difference ...


Since nuttin' else happenin' anywhere else, I'd guess we can expect 10K folks in Denver this fine day - from Kansas, Wyoming, New Mexico, Utah, and all over Colorado ... ?

Right ....

Reminds me too much of a song by The Cars = "fooling w/stereo" .... "so easy to fly through a window/so easy to fool with the sound" ... "

... the sound of inactivity .....

where are you activists?!

.... and where will you be when there is no more chance to do so .... ?

Really. Get with it or shut up.

(amazing what a coupla beers & flyin' fingers can come up with .... )

But, seriously, folks .... ***? who are we and what is it that we do stand for?

Is it all just smoke ... ?