CNN wants your opinion


New member
Listening to CNN while catching up on my browsing. At about 6:30 AM CDT 9/25/2001, the talking head said the CNN wants our opinions on arming airline pilots.

Give it to them in e-mail form at

Dear Sirs:

I am strongly in favor of allowing airline pilots to carry side arms. Airline pilots are among the most highly trained and regulated groups in the country. Many are former members of the armed services, and are generally very stable, safety-conscious and responsible indivduals, well able to use a pistol with discretion when necessary.
If the pilots on the flights of 9/11/01 had been armed, in all probability, the disaster would have been averted or at least mitigated.

Thank you for your attention.
Steve Narby.
Las Vegas, NV.

Master Blaster

New member
If you cant trust the pilot to carry a gun you cant trust him to fly a $100 million aircraft with 100 irreplaceable people on board.

What pisses me off is that Bush is "cool" to the idea.

We currently have no security on our airliners, and an executive order allowing pilots to carry would correct this immediately.:mad:


New member
Here's mine:

I am in favor of armed pilots. If there had been just one firearm on each of the hijacked planes, we would have prevented the deaths of 6,000+ Americans, 40 billion+ dollars of property damage, and one trillion+ dollars of world stock market losses.

.38 cal ammo costs $12 to $15 per box. There are fifty rounds in a box, for a per-round cost of $.24 to $.30 per round. There were 18 hijackers and, if one assumes each required two shots, all of the above could have been prevented with a maximum $10.80 investment.

Do the math.


New member
"Many are asking if I would trade some of my freedom for a greater false sense of security. I will give up none of my freedom. Arming
the pilots and charging me an extra $2 for a skymarshall will both not affect my freedoms at all. However, banning me from carrying a
pocket knife on an airline will keep me from ever flying commercial again. As long as this rule is in affect, I will not fly."