CNN says bolt action = assault rifle = shotgun

Guy B. Meredith

New member
Time for us to use the feedback option and educate CNN. Reporter Randi Kaye hosts two segments on the Oklahoma thugs, showing a video of Edwards with a firearm. In one she refers to it as an assault weapon, in the other a shotgun.

Then flood their email with corrections.

Edit: I hadn't paid attention to the muzzle, appears to be shotgun. The side view here looked like scoped rifle. I hope they corrected their original assault rifle comment.
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Evan Thomas

New member
She never uses the term "assault rifle." She calls the gun a shotgun and a weapon. The reference to a handgun is to a handgun -- in the next series of photos.

Nothing much to see here, I'd say.


New member
Looks okay to me, don't see or hear what you are getting at. Quite honestly, I don't expect a reporter to get everything right. I doubt that the major networks have a firearm expert on staff. If they aren't familiar with fire arms, no big deal. Chances are she may have never even handled a firearm and may not be the one who wrote the script. I grew up in Texas and if some of you northerners start talking about ice hockey I wouldn't have a clue. I guess you play it on ice, right?


New member
-if some of you northerners start talking about ice hockey I wouldn't have a clue. I guess you play it on ice, right?

Says the guy from the state that got the Minnesota North Stars and turned 'em into the 'Dallas Stars'!!!:mad:

(Never did understand why they didn't rename 'em the 'Dallas Lone Stars'. Just sayin...)


New member
DaleA, you can have them back. I think he lost his ass on that deal, you could probably get them pretty cheap. We only use ice to keep our beer cold. :D


New member
I'm here in NE Oklahoma and watch Channel 8 out of Tulsa. They did a segment on those guys last night. And they showed the one guy holding a black bolt action rifle with a scope. At one point he points it towards the camera. They showed him and the rifle from several angles and most certainly did say that the video showed "the alleged perpetrator with an assault rifle." Bolt action rifle with a scope. Looked like a generic deer rifle. Probably holds 4-5 rounds of ammo.

Kind of like when they say somebody was bitten by a pit bull and then they show a photo of a cocker spaniel or labrador retriever...



New member
It looked like he also had his finger on the trigger, just before in the clip where shows the 100 dollar bills. Gee I'm impressed with the guy and reporting :confused:NOT!
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New member
44Amp secretly smirked saying
What Mark Twain said about newspapers applies even more strongly to broadcasting....

I've always found it amusing the TelePrompTer readers are called "talent".

But on a more serious note it is important to respond, in most any way, to factually incorrect 'reporting'. Failure to do so gives incremental credibility to those who may proffer opinions as fact supported by falsehoods.


New member
There was an article in a local paper this week that named an SKS as an assault weapon. They just never get it.


New member
Joe_Pike said:
There was an article in a local paper this week that named an SKS as an assault weapon. They just never get it.
Oh they get it, alright. The SKS is definitely an assault weapon. So is any other firearm they deem "scary". That's the brilliance of the made-up term "assault weapon"; it can be molded to mean any firearm they want it to be, because there is no such thing as an "assault weapon" in the technical sense.

True assault rifles and machine guns are all but banned already and have been for years. Inventing the term "assault weapon" was a way for gun banners to fool people into thinking they're a distinctly dangerous class of weapon. And it's working.


New member
jag2 said:
DaleA, you can have them back. I think he lost his ass on that deal, you could probably get them pretty cheap. We only use ice to keep our beer cold.
But you have to say this for the Dallas Stars fans, they stay through the whole 3rd period.

Of course, that's because they think there's a 4th... ;)

Lucas McCain

New member
"NORM SUCKS" that what we chanted at the last North Stars game when they skated off the ice. When the Wild started playing in the new Xcel arena and the Dallas Stars skated out on the Ice they where greeted with the chant,"NORM SUCKS" . Nobody up here is pineing over the Stars moving.
The North Star signs make excellent targets for patterning 410 revovers. Hopr this qualifys now as a gun post.