CNN reporting every shooting as a "mass" shooting

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See here:

CNN: weekend mass shootings

CNN is going out of its way to report every shooting incident in the country as if it were a mass shooting. It seems as if they are trying to create the idea that an epidemic of "mass shootings" is afoot.

And I am worried for our rights. I don't know what can be done to counter this false narrative. I wish that incidents were firearms successfully save lives in self defense got more exposure.

I know that some of you are going to comment on why read or listen to CNN, and that they should be ignored. But the problem is the public at large, being misled by these tendentious news reporting.
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New member
I don’t see how it’s a false narrative. They define a mass shooting as:

“four or more people killed or wounded by gunfire”

If you disagree with the definition that’s one thing.

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New member
I don’t see how it’s a false narrative. They define a mass shooting as:

“four or more people killed or wounded by gunfire”

If you disagree with the definition that’s one thing.

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The matter is not about the definition and whether or not it is technically right. It is about them now choosing to emphasize the issue.

There is a new pattern which started earlier this year of reporting incidents of shootings (many without lethal victims) that in the past they would have ignored. Previously they would have not reported incidents in which people were merely wounded in gun fire altercations with no fatalities. Now they are lumping them all together into the "mass shooting" category and reporting them periodically.

It seems to me that they are trying to establish a narrative in the mind of the public in order to further a political goal and push Congress into action, now that they think that the votes are there.

But.. maybe I am just paranoid.
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New member
The incidents are happening and to my knowledge their definition hasn’t changed, it’s just that you’re seeing more reporting on the incidents. Is the increased reporting with a goal in mind? I could buy that, but at the same time Americans are being shot and or killed. While it’s true Americans die every day, I think we can agree murder and assault differ from medical malady. It’s going to make the news.

In my opinion if your main concern walking away from these stories is that they will use these stories to go after gun rights, I think you should also give some consideration for the people themselves that are being shot and or killed. Now maybe you are, it’s just the wording of the main post doesn’t seem to suggest that.

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New member
it’s just that you’re seeing more reporting on the incidents. Is the increased reporting with a goal in mind? I could buy that
Yes, that is the point of the OP.

but at the same time Americans are being shot and or killed [... ] I think you should also give some consideration for the people themselves that are being shot and or killed. Now maybe you are, it’s just the wording of the main post doesn’t seem to suggest that.

I do! And it is offensive for you to suggest otherwise.

<<Now maybe you are, >>
Then your lecture is unwarranted.

However the topic on lives lost due to mass shooting would belong in a different thread. In this thread, I wanted to talk about the fact that it seems like MSNBC and CNN have a new and deliberate habit on focusing on every single shooting incident and packaging them together as part of a "mass shootings of the week" series when they were not doing that previously.

Maybe you do not think that they are doing that, and that is ok, I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts on it.
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New member
What is the point of the OP? You quote an entire post where I mention a number of items, some of them at odds with the OP, and then say, “That’s the point.”

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New member
What is the point of the OP? You quote an entire post where I mention a number of items, some of them at odds with the OP, and then say, “That’s the point.”
No I didn't, I did more than that.

I quoted a post where you seem to suggest that I don't care about the tragedy of people losing their lives just because I started an OP to talk about whether or not the media is trying to hype shooting incidents.

And I replied to the comments you wrote, telling you that your judgement was unwarranted and that the topic I wished to discuss is media hype.


New member
No you edited it and added that, it wasn’t there originally. I see the edits.

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New member
No you edited it and added that, it wasn’t there originally. I see the edits.
Gosh I edited my grammar. I have to edit every post I write.

Anyway: so bottom line TunnelRat, you do not think that there is a recent pattern in the media of trying to hype shooting incidents?

1. No clear connection to law and civil rights.

2. Bickering among ourselves is pointless and counterproductive. I don't think anyone here thinks that any loss of life is an "acceptable" number, and to even suggest that is scurrilous.
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