CNN asks "Do you have a gun?" POLL


New member
I tried to vote several times and the total number didn't change

I did not feel this was cheating because I would have only voted as many times as the number of guns I own. (Actually, I probably would not have because I don't have that much time this morning.) but it only lets you vote once probably from the same computer... looks like gun owner ship is behind (38%)... but in the end, who cares?


New member
It really only proves that people who visit CNN and take the time to fill out polls have a lower tendency to own firearms...
Not exactly a demographic I'm concerned with :p

Frank Ettin

Only about a third said they own a gun. I sort of think it would be better if a substantial majority of folks responding said they had guns. Don't we want gun owners to be recognized as a significant economic and political force? Numbers can reinforce that.


New member
Total votes: 243361
This is not a scientific poll

What's up with the last part? "This is not a scientific poll, so we'll post whatever number we darn well please..."


New member
There's no reason to believe they're fudging the results; the disclaimer is just to let you know that CNN is not guaranteeing that people haven't voted multiple times, and that they realize that the respondants probably don't represent a random cross-section of society as a whole, or even an accurate cross-section of CNN viewers.


New member
What's up with the last part? "This is not a scientific poll, so we'll post whatever number we darn well please..."

It is not a scientific pole because it is not a random sample of a statistically significant cross section of the population. It is just a sample of people that visit that site and choose to take the poll.

EDIT: Guess I was typing as you were posting.


New member
Seems like every day for the last few days, they've had some gun-related bad story on their front page in the video section. Pretty easy to spot the holes in each one.

Doc Intrepid

New member
CNN is hot and heavy on "following the gun trail".........

a lot of breathless excitement over guns sold in the U.S. winding up used in the Mexican drug wars.

(Que the righteous indignation...)

While it certainly occurs, guns flow into Mexico from all over South America as well as places as varied as Pakistan and South Africa.

But then, if they told the whole story CNN wouldn't be able to feign astonishment and dismay over U.S. gun laws, and pound the anti-gun drum.

It's part of their strategic evolution away from reporting news, to creating news.


New member
CNN has been on an anti-gun roll here recently. It seems like they have an anti-gun story up daily.

The must figure this is the key to getting their ratings back.