CNN article: AWB vs Handgun homicide rates


New member
Interesting article. Why new laws could miss America's bigger gun problem
While far from objective, it is interesting to see a major media outlet actually acknowledge that an AWB would likely not significantly cut into the gun-related homicide rate:
Mallory Simon, CNN wrote:
Gun Homicides by weapon type [in 2011]:
Handguns: 72%
Rifles: 4%
Shotguns: 4%
Other: 1%
Unknown: 18%

...more than 6,000 people killed each year by handguns.

That's like having a massacre on the scale of Newtown 239 times during one year...

...But even if these [AWB] proposals make it through to legislation, what impact will they have on stemming the deaths by America's most deadly firearm? "

While not actually stating advocacy for registration and banning, this article continues to lay the foundation for increased gun control. Specifically, handguns. Or am I reading too much between the lines?


New member
No you are correct. It's their way of saying another AWB won't be enough, we need to take away the handguns while we are at it.


New member
The problem is the supreme court already struck down a handgun ban. It also "probably' struck down a ban on AR-15's and the new ban in NY on 10 round magazines with the whole common use situation but they weren’t quite clear enough so sounds like we will see another round of fights over that.

The president said it himself before, the "problem" is "cheap available handguns".

Honestly I think the Sheriff from San Diego said it best yesterday, they want to disarm us totally. Every single gun, even if it takes a generation. As long as you or I can own so much as a hunting rifle it will not be enough.


New member
IMO we also err by allowing the media to focus on "gun violence." We get a different picture when we look at the figures from the FBI for all murders. Less than half are committed with handguns, only 2% with any type of rifle, and that compares to 5% with hands and feet, and 13% with knives and other edged weapons.

One out of three murders is committed without a firearm of any type. There is a distortion that occurs when only firearms are considered.

Alabama Shooter

New member
Based on his experience, Bouchard said it would be pretty easy to establish a database to track weapon purchases and sales on a national level.

But he admits he doesn't know anyone who supports a nationwide gun registration.

He must not know Bloomberg and Fienstein.

That is a tragedy right there:


(not the air gun, the Phoenix or the AMT so much but I see a couple of Colts in there)


New member
Why did I feel nauseated when reading that article Tom? Maybe it was due to how many times the AW word was uttered. I hate that term so much.