

New member
Steve is Super Sneaky, trying to slip a carbine in to the handgun forum! :p

But, hey, Kel-Tec will probably only build 10 of these to go along with the only 17 copies of the PMR-30 they've actually built and shipped.

Now you KNOW something is nutty when Kel-Tec guns sell for 150% of MSRP. :eek:


New member
I notice they kept the heel mag-release; give the people what they want, right? :rolleyes: I really like the overall profile, though; very compact, and would approximate an MP7-sized thing as an SBR (assuming it cycles as an SBR). Cool beans :)

Should really move to "Rifles" forum, though ;)



I think the design is very cool. .22 magnum is nothing to sneeze at coming out of a rifle barrel. It should almost appoximate 5.7x28mm energy levels.

But since it's from Kel-Tec, GOOD LUCK finding one. I imagine these will be as hard to find as Sub 2K's if not more so.


New member
I notice they kept the heel mag-release; give the people what they want, right? :rolleyes:
I've never shared the masses angst over a heel mag release.

Not having a phantom vaporware PMR-30 handy, I am not familiar with it's magazine. But it's no small stretch to imagine that if the PMR-30 magazine wasn't cut for a push-button side mag catch, it'd be awfully tough to keep magazine swapability with the handgun if they changed the way the magazine was retained in the carbine.

(yes, the carbine that Kel-Tec will over-advertise and wildly under-deliver.)


Active member
What I really want is that Keltec M43 with the wood furniture. Where can I get one of those?

Bill DeShivs

New member
Keltec has expanded, recently hired 100+ additional employees, and runs 24 hours a day. They are producing a LOT of guns-there is just a tremendous demand for them.
I bought a PMR 30 and a Sub 2000 soon after both models came out, at below MSRP. Having a good relationship with a dealer who sells a lot of guns helps. The guns aren't "vaporware."


While the gun is cool, really I don't think it offers anything over an AR-15 tac carbine, or even an FN PS90 carbine.

The PS90 is shorter being a bullpup, has a 50 round unobtrusive vertical magazine, and the cost of ammunition and availability might as well be the same as .22 magnum these days, but with probably better ballistics.


New member
.22 magnum is nothing to sneeze at coming out of a rifle barrel. It should almost appoximate 5.7x28mm energy levels.

True, but that's 22mag from a rifle compared to the energy levels produced by 5.7x28 out of a handgun.


New member
on the want list

The buzz has been on the books for quite some time. I'v been a fan of the 22 mag for years. I do have a PMR-30 and it is a bowling pin killing marvel. Real fast, real accurate, and real real fun. I will get a CMR-30 or RMR-30 whatever they call it when I can. As for the mag change, nothing wrong with it. I look for this to be a popular gun and a good product for Kel-Tec to expand their company with. Kel-Tec has innovation and quality in spades. They seem to be growing at a pace that is normal for a company that is not betting the farm on crops 3to5 years in the future. I think they will be a firearm giant...if this "U.S.A." remains free and lets them.


New member
While the gun is cool, really I don't think it offers anything over an AR-15 tac carbine, or even an FN PS90 carbine.
It does look markedly lighter, if nothing else. I don't know why it would weigh much more than the 10-22WMR rifles that used to be around.

I'm most interested in the execution; the PMR-30 already had a decade or two of development into it (the Grendel P30 or whatever it was) and still had a number of issues after introduction. I think it was mostly barrel related, but still gave the guns a bad rap early on.

Mildly interesting. The pistol is much more interesting to me, and well worth it.

The big questions, as always, are accuracy and reliability. I'd like to see the firing pin size and config - a "double firing pin" config as a redundant system to make this as reliable as a centerfire - like the old large-bore rimfires - then it would be a legit self-defense longgun.

Now the M43 is pretty darned interesting, if (of course) vaporware.

I would probably bite if an M43 were forthcoming in 6.8 spc.