
New member
Anyone ever gone through the CMP Small Arms Firing School? I was at the North store today, and the people there talked me into it. I will be attending the rifle school this year.

I figure it seemed a good way to learn about competition shooting, and having a personal military coach can't be a bad thing. Plus, for only $30, equipment and ammo included, the price didn't seem bad.

So, what can I expect?

They also almost talked me into a Garand match, but not this year.


New member
It will help your rifle shooting immensely.

It's basically the military rifle training distilled into one day. They cover sight picture, position, trigger control, breathing, you name it. Take a notebook and snacks. You won't be able to absorb everything in one day, but it makes a heck of a foundation for furthering your rifle skills.


New member
Out of the Services the Marine marksmanship program was alwasy considered the best....

wonder if its still that way :confused:

Will they be using instructors form the USAMU from Ft. Benning. those guys are top notch.......

I still have trouble getting the concept across to training Officers and NCOs that if you cant zero your weapon you shouldnt send em to the 300 meter range.

I last qualified with the M16A2 on the popup range at Ft. Hood in Jan 2003 before we deployed..still shot expert bad eyes and all. the target that gave me all my misses was that damn 250 meter target :mad: LOL. I hit all the 300 meter targets :) then we had to shoot a round with our Protective masks on...tore em up. Also tore em up on the night shoot....

The young NCOs seemed amazed at a gray haired fella shooting that well...LOL especially a reservist. At least I had bragging rights over all the young pups ;)

so if you see me stay at 250 meters stand still and you will be safer there :D

Hopefully they will teach you the use of the sling too.........


New member
Out of the Services the Marine marksmanship program was alwasy considered the best....

When I was at the North store today, they told me that last year, the Marine team's motivation was that if the Army beat them, they could all pack their bags, as they were heading to Fallujah. Don't know if that motivated them enough, though.

And the course is two days, don't know if that was changed from previous years or not?


New member

I feel for the insurgents in Fallujah if those guys get sent there.... :eek:

gonna be a few less of em because of those Devil Dog Marksmen

so they better pray for the Marines to win


New member
As for the instructors, the US Army Marksmanship Until does the teaching, and th Army, AF, Marines, Navy and Coast Guard shopoting team members make up the individual coaches. That is what the web site says.


New member
I have attended both the rifle and pistol SAFSs a few times each. I always learn something. I have had instructors from the army, army reserve, USMC, USMC reserve and one time even a navy instructor. After I had gone through them once each, I encouraged all young shooters to attend. It was all free then except the mess hall meals. The last ones I attended, I took most of the kids on the street and schools of my daughter. I always figured I gave those kids a good start. My daughter later became a volunteer there. Quantrill


New member
OK, for you guys that have been there, is a shooting coat/mat/glove and spotting scope benificial?