CMP Garands any good?


New member
I just stumbled onto to the Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) website and was surprised at the cost of the garand that they had. i am not looking for one to have in my safe but one i can take out and shoot frequently, how is the quality of these old rifles and are they worth it?

another question, there is a requirement to be a part of a rifle club or organization to be able to buy one, does the NRA count or do i need to go join somewhere else?

any info would be appreciated :cool:


New member

There are several grades from rack grade shooter to unique collectables.

They are without a doubt, the best deal available.

Number 6

I have 2 CMP Garands;

one directly from the CMP and the other from the guy who bought it from the CMP. I also have a Springfield from the CMP. I am quite happy with all 3; I doubt the Garand saw much action after the arsenal rebuild and I don't believe my Springfield saw daylight between the 1944 rebuild and the CMP facility. :D

The CMP does not exist to make a profit. Its purpose is to distribute certain surplus US Army rifles to qualified civilians to promote marksmanship. This makes its offerings an excellent value.

Note that most of the grades once offered are no longer available; even the source is now extremely limited. Get what you can while you can.

The people are excellent to deal with and bend over backwards to assist the clientele.

As you've already found the website, you can read the requirements for yourself.


New member
thanks EOD Guy i emailed them today to see if there was a close club or what since the idaho state rifle and pistol association is defunct.:cool: