CMP 1911s ...1/3 of the way there


New member
Earlier there was a post, I believe from kraigwy, that he visited CMP and saw crates of 1911s and that some day down the road CMP may sell them if there is a change in legislation. I received an email today from CMP that the bill allowing this sale has passed the house and is moving to the senate. If it were to pass the senate it goes to potus. So good news and a long way to go but headed in the right direction.

The legislation on the 1911 pistols has passed the House. The Senate plans to take it up next week. If it passes, then it will head to the President's desk. If signed, we will meet with the Army to develop procedures. All of this will take time. We have no further information. When information becomes available we will communicate with our customers.


New member
Barry is beating the drum for gun control legislation after the Oregon community college massacre. My guess is he won't sign it -- to keep guns off the street dontcha know.
One would hope that a proposal as sensible as this would have enough votes to override a presidential veto. CMP purchases are subject to full background checks, so there should be no hand wringing over that aspect. And 100+ year old military pistols of low capacity have never been the first choice of the gangsta crowd, or of mass shooters.

I have my fingers crossed that this will go through.


New member
Aguila Blanca said:
One would hope that a proposal as sensible as this would have enough votes to override a presidential veto. CMP purchases are subject to full background checks, so there should be no hand wringing over that aspect. And 100+ year old military pistols of low capacity have never been the first choice of the gangsta crowd, or of mass shooters.

The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016 (H.R.1735) contains many hugely more politically contentious issues than the CMP provision.

The original CMP provision (Sec. 1085) as initially passed by the House expanded the CMP charter from rifles to firearms. That provision was removed from the bill as initially passed by the Senate.

The conference committee that resolved differences between the House and Senate versions of the bill restored a CMP provision (Sec. 1087) that is limited to 1911s and places an annual limit of 10K 1911 transfers to the CMP.

The conference report on H.R. 1735 was passed by the House on 10/1/2015 and is now awaiting action by the Senate.


New member
Given his rhetoric the past few days I cannot see Obama signing any pro gun legislation.


New member
Consumer protection legislation was important enough to authorize concealed carry in national parks. How important is the defense budget?


New member
How important is the defense budget?

To libs? Not very. They would love to shut the government down and blame the repubs for pushing a pro-gun bill after yet another jackass shoots up a school for his fifteen minutes. The "gun nut crowd" (us) is so heartless. :rolleyes:


New member
Given his rhetoric the past few days I cannot see Obama signing any pro gun legislation.

I really don't know about this. I imagine Congress and the President (as much as they hate guns) are quite aware of the zero impact this would have violent crime. They'll probably just want to cash out and say that the M1s haven't caused a problem so why not sell 1911s.
9x18 Walther said:
They'll probably just want to cash out and say that the M1s haven't caused a problem so why not sell 1911s.
Yet they won't allow any of those M1s that are "on loan" to foreign governments to come home.

It's all about posturing.


New member
Yet they won't allow any of those M1s that are "on loan" to foreign governments to come home.

I thought that was about South Korea insisting they "purchased" the M1s instead of "borrowing" them.

Regardless, the chance of buying a GI 1911 from the CMP is incredibly slim in the next few years. I recommend we stop discussing it so that we are all not disappointed. :D

cougar gt-e

New member
Just buy a new rock island gi and cycle it 10,000 times in a bath of sand and salt water. Should be similar to an old army rattle trap....



New member
Just buy a new rock island gi and cycle it 10,000 times in a bath of sand and salt water. Should be similar to an old army rattle trap....

I suppose you could say it served in the Philippines, right? :D

James K

Member In Memoriam
The president hates guns, and hates us; I have no doubt that if he had his way there wouldl be a "final solution" for gun owners. His lapdog, Fred Hiatt, spelled it all out in yesterday's Washington Post. Eliminate as many guns as possible through various laws, then have a mass buyback and get rid of all guns.

He doesn't spell out what "we" should do if there is resistance, but I have no doubt the president would use the military, with troops, backed by tanks, going house to house, kicking in doors and machinegunning families.

All to "save lives", of course.



New member
I think that if the president tried that he might find a significant portion of "the military" would honor their oath to protect and defend the constitution rather than obey illegal orders to go house to house machinegunning citizens.


New member
Wait until Hillary becomes president next year. She will no doubt order all of those CMP 1911s destroyed just to make sure they never go anywhere. In fact, knowing her she'll try to recall all of the surplus ones sold since the 1950s that are in private hands just to be sure.