CLP vs M-Pro 7 Test w/ pix


New member
I just ordered 3 new solvents. CLP break free, M-pro7 ore gel, and M-pro7 copper remover. I did the penny test. I placed roughly 3 drops on each penny. One penny per solvent. I then took pictures 10 minutes after contact, 30 minutes after contact, and later that day. After that I took pictures for 3 days. The number of pens on the right singifies how many days the solvent had been on the penny for.

Then....after the 3 days had past....and the solvent were given time at roughly 74 deg F to do their thing. I took some toilet paper and checked a few things. One-How moist the solvent still was....if it stood up for 3 days and is still moist....its probably good. Two-how easily the solvent was stripped from the metal. Three-how much copper did it remove.
To do this I took squares of toilet paper, and first LAYED the square over the penny.....NO force was added here at all...either the solvent soaked up into the paper meanint it was still moist, or the paper took up none at all. Then, in the upper right hand corner of each square I gently rubbed the pennyto clear off solvent....about as much pressure to an already opened bottle cap to remove it....not allot.

You can see the results
CLP-Still VERY moist.....most was absorbed in lower left and not by rubbing since the towel robbed it all the first time : D This would make an excellent lubricant.
BORE GEL-About the texture of syrup that has been sitting on the side of the jar for a few know when it sticks to your hand. It did leave a small trace in the lower left....and did come off fairly easily. Reacting with the copper well, and staying moist.....nice.
COPPER REMOVER- Was fairly fast to react heavily to the copper, but was very hard to remove. This product was intended to be on and off within 5 minutes. It still removed copper....but didnt hold the mosture...or react as well as the bore gel did.
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New member

Any reasons as to why my pictures wont work? They work just find for the mean time i just added the hyperlinks : D but please tell me how to fix them!


New member
your obviously using photobucket...

check off the pics you want here then scroll to the bottom and click "generate"

then copy the code second to the bottom selection.

then paste codes in your post.


New member
I'm trying to figure out the point of this post. Break Free is not a gun scrubber or bore cleaner and never was. It's an outstanding lubricant and rust inhibitor. It's what I use on all of my guns after I've cleaned them with Gun Scrubber and M-Pro 7 Bore Gel.