Closure (?) to an armed citizen story


New member

In light of the number of shootings in the local news lately, I don't think the word is getting out. However, this headline may begin to catch the attention of those trolling around for "helpless" victims.

FWIW, I spoke to this drummer's aunt last week. These guys in the band are locally regarded as genuinely good guys, and having had to kill a guy, even in self defense, has really affected Scott deeply. This isn't an act he's putting on for the media.

I hope that's enough opinion not to have this one closed on the same day.

Uncle Buck

New member
I hope more people read this and understand it. It is a lot easier to shoot someone than it is to deal with the after-effects.

I pray I never have to shoot another person.

Sigasaurus Rex

New member
Another sad situation that I hope I never have to face. However, if the band member fired all of his rounds within the laws of that jurisdiction, he has nothing that he needs to apologize for. Some people may construe an apology as an admission of wrongdoing. That might be a bad move when faced with the possibility of lawsuits by the perp's family.


New member
3.5 pounds is easy. Living with the aftermath is hard. I work with ptsd vets. One in particular is a ledgend in the Spec Ops Sniper community, his activities involved taking out some very bad people. Even that knowledge does not help.

If a man as well trained and conditioned has problems, the young men in the band will have worse. Get help, don't let it fester.


I read the article. And I certainly feel for the band members, and especially for the fellow who will deal with his injuries for the rest of his life. But remorse over killing a predator who held a gun to someone's head and had already fired a shot should be the least of their concerns.

Some things that struck me about the account:

1) The band members OPENED THE DOOR OF THEIR MOTORHOME to the two robbers!
I was just reading on another concurrent thread about people who open the door when an unknown person is pounding on it. Who says, and where is it written, that you have to open the [blankety-blank] door??!!
Look out the [blankety-blank] window and see who it is and what they want!
Motorhome doors generally open out, so these skells could have even kicked on the door for 5 minutes and not gained entrance.

2) The surviving robber says he's sorry "for what happened". It doesn't take a psychologist to see that, as is so typical of the criminal predator mentality, he is still not taking responsibility for his actions. He's not sorry "for what I did", he's sorry for "what happened". This is just another variation of "the gun just went off".

3) The defense attorney told the court that the robbers had been drinking and smoking pot before the robbery, and that "they hadn't really planned on the robbery". This is more avoidance of taking responsibility for one's actions. There's nothing in alcohol or marijuana that makes you want to put a gun to someone's head and rob him, unless you already have larceny and murder in your heart.