Clip Qestion?


New member
I just bought a used sig mosquito and it shoots really well. However; when the second last round is ejected, it takes the last round with it. Any idea's?



New member
Be careful, I got a brand new one and it blew up in my face. Leaving brass bits in my neck. Yes I cleaned and lubed it..just be sure to wear your shooting glasses and hearing protection as always.:eek:


New member
Sounds like it could be the spring in the magazine? I've not had any issues like this with my Mosquito (which, btw, did NOT blow up or even give any real problems aside from the crappy trigger). You may want to try a different magazine, but I've not found one for less than $40 (hence why I've only got the original one myself).


New member
"Sounds like a magazine question"

Would seem to me that the polite thing would be to refrain from commenting if you cant add any thing useful to the thread.


New member
Well here you go.

Its a magazine not a clip. Proper terms always helps in defining issues.

It could be your spring is too strong or it could be a follower out of spec.....It could be the lips or one of the lips on your magazine that is out of spec

I would try another magazine and see how it functions. If that doesn't solve the issue send it back.


New member
TRguy: I know we're all here to learn and have fun, while still being polite and gracious, but I love it when you do that. I always sort of define a clip as a device for holding cartridges which doesn't have a follower and spring. That way you don't have to make an exception for the M1 garand and the 6.5 carcano. You should also develop a standard response for the "bullet" versus "cartridge" nomenclature. It's surprising how often I see that confusion. I just recently tried to post on the In order to do that, you have to answer the question of "how many bullets does a six shooter hold?". I correctly answered zero and they wouldn't let me on. Although, this doesn't bother me as much, you could also do a standard reply for the .45 colt versus .45 long colt. You could show the .45 colt, then the .45 schofield/S&W, and then have an empty space for the .45 long colt.

Lost Sheep

New member
Watch carefully

Can you slow things down by cycling the action by hand and watching to see if if you can get it to do the same thing?

My first guess would be that the magazine lips are spread too wide. Also, if the nose of the bullet in last cartridge case (Hammie, is that the right terminology?;) )is being caught by the rear of the cartridge being extracted, there might be something with the magazine follower (DocDizz suggested the spring, which it could be if the spring is out of proper position under the follower.)

I have heard that 90% of all feed or ejection problems are related to the magazine. Makes sense to me.

Good luck

Lost Sheep
+1 to LostSheeps "lips spread too wide reply"...that's my bet as well.

Would seem to me that the polite thing would be to refrain from commenting if you cant add any thing useful to the thread.

One of the things I appreciate about this and other boards is how much I've learned from others. TRGuy might have deserved this response if he was the 15th person to jump on you for using the word "clip" inaccurately, but in this case, I'm sure he was trying to educate...and he was being useful to the rest because we didn't have to make the same response. No reason to get huffy.


New member
But why only the last two? It seems he was rather specific as to when it was happening.
Edit: Ahh... I see
"how many bullets does a six shooter hold?"
Seven! 1...2...3...4...5...6, and one in the chamber makes seven! So what do I win:p
TRguy I think you forgot one in your pic

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New member
Not getting huffy. He could have sent a PM and explained what the difference is. And I would agree there are quite a few people here who are very knowledgeable and I appreciate all the info that is available here. I just think there is a polite way to tell some one they are wrong or have the wrong terminology especially when they are new to the subject or have not been "into it" like the die hards.

But thanks for all the good advise I will look into all of it and see what shape the magazine is in.


New member
You know, most languages have some sort of academy of learned men and women who take it upon themselves to tell the legions of the great unwashed what words mean, how they are to be enunciated and to defend the true language from foreign words. Like the French Academy, for instance. But there is no such institution for English. However, it pleases me that so many members of this great forum are willing to make up for that shortcoming of the language.

There was even one clip-fed light machine gun but I don't think there's been a belt-fed pistol. And I've got a whole box (a small box, actually) of clips that have springs. And they aren't magazines, either. Some old-time gun writers freely used the word clip to refer to a removable magazine and everyone knew what they meant.
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