Clinton with afro wig and which welfare benefit buys that TV? Pics worth 1k words.

Futo Inu

New member
No doubt. Just look at the flak Christi Whitman is getting for the photo of her patting down a "suspect" in a training exercise (who happens to be black).


New member
That just really chaps my hide! :mad:

Here I am with a Computer Science Degree, student loans, working wife and 3 kids, living in a little 3 bedroom mobile home at $300 a month and this welfare woman has this nice 4 bedroom house for $100 a month and a big screen TV! :mad:

What the! :mad:

I'd better get a mighty nice thank you letter from her or I'm gonna kick the next welfare recipient I meet! :rolleyes:

I hope she's happy and can sleep well at night. Stealin' from my pocket... Big screen TV! Four bedroom house! Nice, big deck! I bet it even has an unfinished basement or garage that would be perfect for a computer/reloading room... GRRRRRR! This is why people go on shooting sprees! And where is her husband? The kids' father? Jerk! Sheesh! :mad:

Would she still be on welfare if they hadn't changed the system in Virginia? Probably... :mad:

Well, those pix ought to make some liberals feel all warm and fuzzy inside. My goodness. This country... To hell in a handbasket... :mad:

[End Rant] Oh, well. At least she's bettering herself. Good for her... Sigh... ...


OK, so now my more compassionate, reserved, and less judgemental wife actually read the article (A novel concept!) and finds out that the house belongs to the woman's parents, and they only charge her a nominal rent. OK, cool parents. Likewise, the big screen TV could be theirs as well.

She (the welfare woman, not my wife!) also has a common law husband who could no longer work at his construction job after having injured his hand, and that's why they went on welfare.

So, maybe she's not so evil after all, but it's still frustrating that people can't make enough to live on one income anymore!

Thanks for listening...

[This message has been edited by seronac (edited July 14, 2000).]


New member
That welfare picture screams "vote gore - live the good life for free" to every slack ass that sees it. I'm glad to see those 6 months worth of pay I cough up in taxes every year have been used for a noble purpose, like buying that b1tch a big screen TV.


New member
Hey, sure beats the 'picture' I saw of a white woman with 2 kids out in a parking lot in California begging for change money. Evidently, the big plant where they made firebirds and camaros shut down in Van Nuys, throwing folks out of work. It was hot, over 100 degrees, her face was weather worn, kids sure were cute, all looked hungry though, thin, ragged clothes. I saw other instances like that several times.

Ed Brunner

New member
Years ago there was a story circulating, supposedly true, about the welfare mother who called the welfare office to see about getting her check increased because her baby didnt even have a bed to sleep in. The Welfare lady asked whai the baby was sleeping in. The reply: "That big old box the color TV came in."

You have to be there when it's all over. Otherwise you can't say "I told you so."

Better days to be,


Jay Baker

New member
CleanCut, don't believe everything you see. I lived in L.A., for 35 years, and I can assure you that the "poor woman with two starving kids," was long odds on, a scam artist. That GM beg locale is a great "cry and beg" locale.

Those postitions around various "High Sympathy" areas are fought for by the scam artists and they will kill you for them. There are various families who run these shucks and make small fortunes.

If you want to see the real truth, just ask one of those "need work for food for starving kids" if he/she will come with you to do some yard work or whatever? They'll have seventeen excuses as to why they can't do any work "right now, I hurt my back, so uh, just give me the money for my kids," blah blah.

A good scam artist can make up to 800$ a day TAX FREE! A bad day is perhaps $400 per day.

There are entire families that work these scams and live much better lives than most of us can afford. Here's an example I actually witnessed.

In Studio City, in my neighborhood, a large, expensive Winnebago was parked on a side street. I saw a Mercedes, 450SEL, pull up and stop, followed by a BMW (can't remember the model but it was one of the large ones.) Two men were driving.

Three women got out, with several children. They were very well dressed. They went into the Winnebago and soon exited and got into the cars. They were dressed in rags and looked dirty [stage makeup]and the children looked like little Charles Dickens' urchins. The cars took off.

Later that day, I was at the Studio City shopping Center at the corner of Laurel Canyon and Ventura Blvds. Here's one of the "poor, outcast women, and two little children looking so pathetic" begging in the parking lot. Of course, people were showering them with money.

I drove to another primero beg spot and here was another one of the women from the Mercedes/BMW squad, doing the same.

Also saw the third woman at a great sympathy spot at he bottom of the offramp from the 101 Freeway onto Coldwater Canyon. They were all, as usual, scaming out the guilt ridden suckers for big, tax free bucks.

I saw this stuff going on for years.

Remember, that almost all genuinely poor people are on the govt. teat one way or another.... and there are actually many who are too proud to beg.

Not to say that everyone who begs is a scam artist, but most are, and they have a very good life, doing no work, and living in luxury, laughing at the suckers.


Jack 99

New member
You know what got me?


***! Did you not understand how babies were made? Did you want to keep yourself poor forever? What the hell are we subsidizing this kind of behavior for?

Tough for the kids to be sure, but these kind of people need cut off, and quick. Nobody at the Post will go there (not PC you know) but the reality is they kept having kids because it kept them on the teat longer. Now that that's changed they want expensive training so they don't have to work $8/hour jobs.

I've worked for a lot less than $8/hour, and I can tell you, yes it sucks but YOU GOTTA DO WHAT YOU GOTTA DO. Its called REALITY.

I've also worked for 2 years as a grocery clerk and I can tell you, with much authority, people using food stamps are eatin' better than the people checking thier groceries in 90% of the cases. I used to watch steak after steak come down the belt and I'd say to myself "wait for it Mark, the food stamps are comin' out." Anytime I saw more than $50 worth of meat, it was paid for with Uncle Sugar funny money.

Let them starve in the streets. I'd rather drive over the corpses of starving infants than suffer confiscation to subsidize this garbage.

Hell of it is, her vote and mine are exactly equal.
You know, at one time, if you were on public assistance and you owned a TV, you were OFF of public assistance.

TVs are LUXURY items.

That TV is likely better than $1,000!

No, we don't know where she got it, or how she got it. Maybe it was given to her. Maybe she got in in a divorce settlement.

But HELL, she sure could SELL it, get a smaller one, and STILL have money left over!

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Beware the man with the S&W .357 Mag.
Chances are he knows how to use it.


New member
Seven kids, the bitch obviously has not missed ANY meals.
Was a past husband mentioned?

Now...who the F$%# is feeding the GD DOG????

If I weren't feeding this cow that throws out kids like a Pez dispenser, I could have a nice house, big TV and a really good looking maid!


New member
AUGHHHHHHHHHH! I have been in the service for nearly 8 years. I struggle to pay the bills in my 2 bedroom apratment! I routinely sleep with my head in the Frigging mud, and depending on billing cycles often eat copious amounts of Ramen nooodles and or macaroni and cheese! I have a 25 inch TV that was our 1 wedding gift. And this fat heifer sits around popping out kids and getting to live in a virtual mansion by my standards. And she probably gets Food stamps as well!

Shes been on "assistance" for 6 years???

:mad: :mad: :mad:

As much as I hate to say it, I think we should bring back Govt. childrens homes. If the parents don't get a real job in say 2-3 years, then take their kids and kick their worthless asses into the street!

Dammit this kinda BS pisses me off so bad. Reminds me of bagging groceries while I was in High School. Here I was working for $5.50 an hour, Lady walks up with 2 carts full of groceries. Cashier rings it up and the lady pulls out all her food stamps. Her total bill on 2 full carts of groceries is like $17.00! She pitches a total bitchy fit and pulls out a wad of cash the size of my fist. She peels through $100's and $50's until she gets to a $20. I then have to take her groceries out to her car, where I am forced to load them into a relatively new BMW!

I was talking to myself for weeks after that!

I thought I'd seen it all, until a 22WMR spun a bunny 2 1/4 times in the air!

duck hunt

New member
How's this for chapping your hide: Boyfriend works at Lowes. Spends nine hours a day loading air conditioners in 95+ degree weather -- many of these into new, fully loaded SUVs for people who are paying for them with WELFARE VOUCHERS because it's not fair that people should be hot just because they're "underprivileged." Then he gets into his secondhand car, prays that the engine makes it home one more day, and comes home to our un-air-conditioned house. We both work full time, but nobody's buying us any AC. What gives?


duck hunt

New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by DOCSpanky:
As much as I hate to say it, I think we should bring back Govt. childrens homes. If the parents don't get a real job in say 2-3 years, then take their kids and kick their worthless asses into the street!

Oooh! I have to double post.

I say that all the time, Spanky, and I don't hate to say it at all. I make no apologies for it. Feed 'em or don't breed 'em. And for all these bleeding hearts who think welfare reform is cruel, chew on this: A young lady my mom knows had two kids out of wedlock and was on welfare for years. Spent every day lying around watching TV and drinking beer with various deadbeat boyfriends. Well, when welfare reform dictated she get a job, things went 180 degrees. With a sense of purpose and some pride, she dropped the loser guys, straightened up her act, and started acting like a mom instead of a mooch. Now her kids are on the honor roll and she's nobody's fool. When the kids got taken out to eat and were asked if they wanted ice cream afterwards, they said they'd have to call mom and check because they weren't allowed to have a lot of sweets. We are talking good, strict parenting here. Say it with me: Welfare Reform Works. Public Aid Creates Learned Helplessness. Ahhhhhhhh!


Don Gwinn

Staff Emeritus
I'll remember her fondly while I'm sweating my ass off at Hardee's this afternoon for $6.50 an hour. Thank God we don't have kids. I want 'em, but I don't want them to grow up dirt poor.
(Don't shed too many tears for me, though. The teaching job I thought I lost just came open again and I'm applying for a better summer job in an hour and a half.)


New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CleanCut:
Evidently, the big plant where they made firebirds and camaros shut down in Van Nuys, throwing folks out of work.[/quote]

Problem with that story is the plant that makes GM F-bodies(Camaros and Firebirds) is in Qubec. Last time I checked they expected either a closing or production switch in 2002.


New member
Right. Well, with the way free enterprise is going in this country, you're always going to need some kind of safety net. The lady I saw didn't look like a fraud to me. I know the type you're talking about. It's the person at the end of a freeway with a sign saying 'will work for food'.

Hey look, my uncle when he was visiting Tijuana 30 years ago saw a poor family and went out of his way to help them out. The people who were accompanying him wanted to look the other way, like most people. Frank, though, was different. A man of stature, Frank rose above the occasion and set the model example. Everyone in the family recalled the incident and spoke highly of his actions. Nuff said.

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
Before you all gang up on this woman:

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>
Her parents own the modest, four-bedroom house where she lives with her children.She pays a nominal rent of $100 a month.

Is it OK to get help from kin?

I would agree about the TV and other big ticket goodies...and I know a former classmate (with education and early job history identical to mine) who has now picked this route.


Miss Demeanors

New member
I'm sorry but there is no reason to starve as long as your not disabled, and even then there is probably a job for you. If that lady was living with parents then I blame the parents, let her get off her a$$ and get to work. Hey McDonalds is always hiring.

Don, I know where you are coming from. Although I don't have a premanent job yet, I always do side jobs here and there, painting, cutting lawns, putting things together etc. Where there is a will there is a way.

The problem is, how do we know which families REALLY need the help? I know there are some legit ones out there that deserve a little help. I think welfare should be limited in time, and you should have to prove you are looking for a job. You also should NOT BE ALLOWED to have anymore kids while on welfare. I'd rather have my tax money go to a box of birth control than a new TV! :mad:

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Jack 99

New member

First off, if you are working and your parents rent you a house for under market value (or just let you live there) that's considered a gift and the IRS will want you to pay $$$$ on it. I know because a friend of my mother's was audited and when they found out her grown daughter was livng in the guest house, they slammed the daughter with an audit too.

Second, you'll also note that this is Fairfax County, considered one of the most expensive in the country. Note how the Post implies it is THE RIGHT OF THE POOR to live there. Sorry, low achievers have no "right" to live in expensive areas. If you're poor, you need to move where you can afford it. If your parents are well off and willing to support you, great, BUT DON'T ALSO SEND A BILL TO THE TAXPAYER!

Its ridiculous. Check and bag groceries at a major grocery store for a month. I guarantee you will have a whole new view of "the poor."


New member
Jack99, why do you always post threads that pi$$ me off!?!?! :mad:

Having trouble feedig her 7 kids!?!? Sell your damn big screen TV! that will take care of you for months!!!

I can't even continue with this thread!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:


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The NRA is our shield, the GOA will be our sword.