Clinton to Congress: Free Dope in exchange for not penalizing marriage

Jack 99

New member
What cahones this guy has!!!

Married people, by virtue of just being married, get slammed with extra tax burden on top of already atrocious tax rates, then the President who "feels your pain" wants to hold up tax relief to these families so that he can implement more Socialist-inspired benefit programs!!!!!!!

Tell me again why we're not marching on Washington with pitchforks and torches?


Clinton Offers Deal: Marriage Tax Cut for Drug Plan
June 26, 2000 1:52 pm EST

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Clinton on Monday said he had offered a
deal to Republican congressional leaders in which he would sign a bill to cut
taxes for married couples by $250 billion over 10 years if Congress would accept
his similarly-priced plan to provide prescription drugs coverage for Medicare

"I think this is a very good faith offer, where I want to meet them half way. I want
them to meet me half way. We can clearly afford this and we ought to do it,"
Clinton told reporters as he announced a projected 10-year budget surplus of
$1.87 trillion.

Asked how Republican leaders had received the plan, Clinton said, "I think they
were interested in it."


Staff Alumnus
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jack 99:
Tell me again why we're not marching on Washington with pitchforks and torches?

Because we're a nation of sheep who occasionally bleat at the wolf, but won't do any more than that.


New member
Because it's a long way away (in more ways than one) and most of us have to work every day to pay our mortgages, taxes, utility bills, taxes, grocery bill, taxes, cable tv, taxes, internet service provider, taxes, you get the idea.

Also because pitchforks and torches would be met with tanks and JBT's and the tender mercies of Janet Reno :rolleyes:.
