Clinton Says NRAs 3.2 million members dont matter.

Alan B

New member
Yea Right he forgot 1994 didn't he.

Bill says..
"You know, they basically win through intimidation," Clinton went on. "People are scared of them." But while the organization may have over 3 million members, "there's more people than that in America."

Did he forget the 77 million guns owners out there who are not part of the NRA?


New member
77 million? That's sad. So, who here has signed up a gun owning friend lately? C'mon. Be honest. (With yourself- no need to post "no.") If everyone got just ONE new person to sign up the NRA could probably put the gun debate to rest. OK, maybe not, but the NRA's clout would shoot through the roof! NPI



New member
If you don't honestly know someone to sign up then at least upgrade your membership if you can afford it or pay for 3 years in advance, they can use all the $$ they can get this year. It is going to be make or break for the next 20+ years for our gun rights!!!


New member
I've been a member since '92, life since '95, and endowment since '96...

I've signed up FOUR members in the last year; my boss, two of his sons, and my dear ol' dad...

If I can do this, anyone can.


New member
Yes, as a matter of fact I have signed up at least one new member in the past year.

My wife has finally decided that 'enough is enough' of this attempted trampling of her constitutional rights. She is now not only a new member, but a Life Member as well. I have also upgraded my Life Membership to Endowment status.

I have also given my brother-in-law a regular membership as well.

Beretta Boy

New member
I just recently sent my money in to join the NRA... But that's not too bad considering I just bought my first gun in December of 99. I want to find other people to sign up, but everyone I think would be interested, already has. Perhaps I will just offer to pay for my Significant Other's membership if she wants to sign up.


New member
Became life member with the Millinium. Also gave my father an annual membership for his birthday. Working on others.

Greg G

New member
I gave one year memberships to a couple of friends a year ago as Christmas gifts. One friend renewed on his own after the end of the year, the other let it expire. The one that renewed is a hunter and likes the American Hunter magazine and also got interested in RKBA issues. This is a farm boy that has hunted all his life without a thought that there are people out there that would like to take away his Wingmaster. I showed him letters to the editor in the local paper where people wrote in railing against hunters and how hunting teaches children to kill, etc.. Environmental issues regarding his spewing lead pellets all over the place has a lot of people upset, and all of these people write letters and vote. It really opened his eyes up. The other guy who is in his forties was raised on a farm, owns guns and likes to shoot. He didn't want to have to pay the $30 or less a year for a membership and really doesn't give a damn what happens in congress regarding the 2nd. Amendment. He has a pistol, a rifle and a shotgun and "that's all he needs." Some people you can win over, others you can't. FWIW, the guy that's not interested in working to protect his gun rights is a staunch conservative anyway so his vote will be for George W. this fall. A lot of people just aren't politically minded and don't want to be bothered with political action, they get absorbed with their jobs and their families and just don't have the time. I figure if you are thinking about sending in a check from time to time just to help out, maybe buying memberships for people will result in some of them continuing on as members.


The both NRA and the antis love it when Clinton attacks NRA and vice versa. It makes people forget that there are other gun rights organizations out there. NRA wants to be in the spot light to get more members. Clinton wants them to be in the spotlight because he feels he has substantially villified them and can use it to his advantage. Just as Reno kept giving Ken Starr more assignments rather than hiring more independant councils (since Starr was already damaged good), the antis count on the NRA as entering the debate with a certain smell. As well, they don't want people to think that their are other pro gunnies.

How inconvenient it would be for Clinton and the NRA to admit that there are other, more aggressive pro rights groups out there such as Gun Owners of America which didn't slink away from Columbine and was seen doing media interviews when Heston and LaPierre were AWOL.

Join the NRA? Sure. But my fighting money goes to GOA, CCRKBA, or SAF, with a little left over for JPFO. As well, local groups in your state deserve your support. They are quicker to react to problems. Has anyone go to for example?


Dennis Olson

New member
Even though I've not worked in THREE MONTHS, I just joined (in the last 1/2 hour)...


This **** has gone on long enough!


New member
My wife, a non-shooter, actually asked
for a membership for Christmas.

She received it and I upped mine to

We may not always agree with the NRA,
but it is the 800 pound gorilla of gun


New member

I hear ya man. The NRA got some of my money this year, but they sure don't have my trust.

I'd like to see have seen how this "debate" would have gone with the GOA. Now THAT would have been a show. But, as you pointed out, this was a "Made for TV" moment. I'm suprised it wasn't read off a teleprompter script.

Clinton hasn't been hurt at all, and the NRA gets some more bucks.

And Yes, I am at least that cynical when it comes the NRA. There are much better informed and articulate advocates of the 2nd Amendment right here on this board than the NRA has yet been able to dredge up.

[This message has been edited by dog3 (edited March 14, 2000).]

El Jefe

New member
Not only an NRA Member I donate an additional $140/year through the Combined Federal Campaign to the NRA/ILA (tax deductible, I see a certian humor in that!) Just signed up a friend and I am about to purchase one for my brother in law!

...“ They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” --Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759.

W]hereas, to preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms, and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them; nor does it follow from this, that all promiscuously must go into actual service on every occasion. The mind that aims at a select militia, must be influenced by a truly anti-republican principle; and when we see many men disposed to practice upon it, whenever they can prevail, no wonder true republicans are for carefully guarding against it.
---Richard Henry Lee, The Pennsylvania Gazette, Feb. 20, 1788

Take care and God Bless, El Jefe

The ANTI-HCI Site!


Interesting that the NOW gang (National Organization of Women) can only gather less than 1,000 for any convention they have held. The NAACP does a few more, but not nearly the NRA total. Yet guess who Clintona and the Liberals can't get enough of. I think we know who CAN'T count. Clinton and liberals feel the 3 million votes don't matter. Funny thing is how many NRA members do vote democrat or liberal? THAT would be interesting. In fact how many vote? If all gun owners voted we could make gun ownership mandatory.