Clinton being protested in Columbia - and these people are serious!

Jack 99

New member
Hey Blues_O_Malley,

I told you to head for Columbia if you wanted to see some "action."

This from


Violence Surges Across Colombia on Eve of Clinton Trip
August 29, 2000 2:51 pm EST

By Luis Jaime Acosta

CARTAGENA, Colombia (Reuters) - Communist rebels battled troops for control
of a major highway Tuesday and set off bombs outside three banks while
masked students clashed with riot police in a wave of violence across Colombia
timed to protest against a visit by President Clinton.

Clinton is due to arrive in the Caribbean port of Cartagena Wednesday, the first
U.S. president in a decade to come to this Andean nation ravaged by a
long-running guerrilla war that has cost 35,000 lives in the last 10 years.

Tuesday's skirmishes were centered in and around the country's three main
cities, including the capital Bogota, well away from Cartagena which is being
tightly guarded by 5,000 police and soldiers, helicopters and warships during
Clinton's day-long trip.

In the lead up to the visit, Colombia's main rebel forces and the main labor
organizations condemned a recently-approved U.S. package of $1.3 billion in
mostly military aid to help Colombia fight drugs and guerrillas.

They say the assistance is a sign of growing U.S. intervention in Colombia and
fear it will inflame the three-decade-old conflict and could draw Washington into
a Vietnam-style quagmire. The first clash erupted before dawn Tuesday as
Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) guerrillas attacked the town of
Guayabetal, about 37 miles east of the capital Bogota on the main route to the
oil-rich and agricultural eastern plains.

There were no immediate reports of casualties but fighting was still raging at
midday and the highway was closed to all traffic.

"There was an attack by FARC guerrillas who were trying to blockade the
highway but soldiers arrived and prevented that from happening," an army
spokesman said.


In southwest Cali, Colombia's second largest city, a FARC urban guerrilla unit
set off small bombs outside three banks, causing widespread damage but no
injuries, a police spokesman said.

Local media reported the FARC, Latin America's largest surviving 1960s rebel
army, had claimed responsibility for the blasts in pamphlets left at the scene in
which the rebels protested U.S. aid to Colombia.

In a separate incident in the industrial hub of Medellin, the country's third largest
city, some 40 students wearing ski masks or bandannas across their faces
fought running battles with riot police outside the University of Antioquia.

Police fired water cannon and tear gas as the students lobbed rocks, molotov
cocktails and chanted "Clinton... Go home!" according to a Reuters
photographer at the scene.

Local media also reported another clash between National Liberation Army
(ELN) rebels and security forces on a highway near the town of Plato, in northern
Magdalena province. There was no immediate official confirmation of the

Like the larger FARC, the ELN is also fiercely opposed to Clinton's visit and
mushrooming U.S. aid for the Colombian government. The two groups have a
combined combat force of some 22,000 fighters and are estimated to control up
to half the country.

In a communique obtained by Reuters earlier this week, ELN fighters said they
would step up attacks against the country's second largest oil field, operated by
U.S. multinational Occidental Petroleum Corporation.

Production at the field has been paralyzed for the last three weeks after rebels
repeatedly bombed the pipeline that pumps crude from the 105,000 barrel per
day field.

In a separate communique issued this week by the FARC and entitled "Clinton
Go Home!" the rebels said: "Clinton does not come in peace...He is coming to
launch (the U.S. aid package) which more than a counterinsurgency plan, is a
plan drawn up in line with imperial geopolitics."


Staff Alumnus
Funny... Clinton went to Greece, IIRC, and there were riots. Now he's going to Colombia, and gee, more riots.

One might think the man ain't real popular. ;)


New member
This is the most dangerous situation the US has faced in decades. Of course the media is going right along with official policy. Columbia has been at war since the early 1900s. Today it's divided into government, rebel and narco territories. The last thing we need is to send US soldiers to die in a war that has no end. And to me that's exactly where we're heading. I hope when GW is president he has enought foresight not to fall into the trap being set by Clinton.

"Get yourself a Lorcin and lose that nickel plated sissy pistol."

Apple a Day

New member
I wonder if they are irritated because the happy weed he 'didn't inhale' wasn't produced there.

Those who use arms well cultivate the Way and keep the rules.Thus they can govern in such a way as to prevail over the corrupt- Sun Tzu, The Art of War


New member
Or maybe it has something to do with the 3billion?? dollars he is going to send them for "aid" (really for the war on drugs), and saying that it wont add to the fighting. HAHAHAHA!!! Give that government 3 billion in aid I wonder where it will go? Arms!

Dead [Black Ops]

Jack 99

New member
There ticked because Clinton's bringing his coke straw. Soon there won't be any coke left in the whole country!!

"Put a rifle in the hands of a Subject, and he immediately becomes a Citizen." -- Jeff Cooper

"The fact is that the average man's love of liberty is nine-tenths imaginary, exactly like his love of sense, justice and truth. He is not actually happy when free; he is uncomfortable, a bit alarmed, and intolerably lonely. Liberty is not a thing for the great masses of men. It is the exclusive possession of a small and disreputable minority, like knowledge, courage and honor. It takes a special sort of man to understand and enjoy liberty - and he is usually an outlaw in democratic societies." -- H.L. Mencken, February 12, 1923, Baltimore Evening Sun

"If God had not wanted them to be sheared, he would not have made them sheep." -- Caldero (Bad guy from the Magnificent Seven)

"Don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blow." -- Bob Dylan

"This is This" -- Robert DeNiro as "Michael" in THE DEER HUNTER

"The unarmed man is not just defenseless - he is also contemptible." -- Machiavelli


New member
lol, Bill should get to be the first(and only) US soldier that gets sent to help the Columbians

The Alcove

I twist the facts until they tell the truth. -Some intellectual sadist

The Bill of Rights is a document of brilliance, a document of wisdom, and it is the ultimate law, spoken or not, for the very concept of a society that holds liberty above the desire for ever greater power. -Me


New member
Several people from other countries seem to get the point. Maybe we should move them over and export all the people that think we should give the guy a break becaues "he did something to help the economy." :rolleyes:

God, Guns and Guts made this country a great country!

oberkommando sez:
"We lost the first and third and now they are after the Second!(no pun intended)"


New member
Jack they aint serious enough, we be too lucky if anything juicy happens. This is this! Indeed!

KaMaKaZe I agree completly, lets load the boats up.

Rant on.
Getting very tired of piss ant thrid world countries, and more threats of Vietnam style conflict. If we need to send something lets send the best from Cheyenne Mountain. Maybe a LGM-118A, Mach 20 at sea level, this war wont take long as this is one bad boy. Sorry, Rant off.

[This message has been edited by oberkommando (edited August 30, 2000).]


New member
Unfortunately these people hate Klinton because they don't like other communists who compete with them...

The Alcove

I twist the facts until they tell the truth. -Some intellectual sadist

The Bill of Rights is a document of brilliance, a document of wisdom, and it is the ultimate law, spoken or not, for the very concept of a society that holds liberty above the desire for ever greater power. -Me


New member
I just figured they were pissed because they didn't have enough advanced notice to lock up all the women.

Maybe he'll get a dose of the clap . . .

Ken Strayhorn
Hillsborough NC


New member
OK Coin, Ya got me, based on my replys to START II question I didnt think anyone knew anything about these things anymore.

Cheyenne Mountain can have (it) sent from somewhere in the M (FIELD)

Take your pick
Missouri, Whiteman AFB
Great Falls, Montana
Grand Forks, North Dakota
Minot, North Dakota
Rapid City, South Dakota, Ellsowrth AFB


New member
You can't blame the peons for hating America . We see a country starving and in need so we give a zillion dollars . The Gov't. promptly takes it all and buys more weapons to persecute their own people . We ask them what has been done and we are told that info is private . National Security , you know .
Then our Pres. comes back expecting to be thanked and HE IS!!! .We must learn to leave other people alone!! If they really need help send Sally Struthers there to walk down Mud Road in her $500 boots and tell you that you can help .
You gotta wonder when you see the poverty in these places . Then our Pres. goes there and is picked up at the airport in a huge Mercedes . He is escorted by 6 or7 more big Mercedes to a huge palace where the Ruler lives . The Rulers wife shows up in a designer gown adorned in jewels .
It's hard being a dictator but somebody has to do it .



New member
This is not the only South American country that we are getting involved with, one of the guys in my platoon talked to his brother a little while back who is stationed at Camp Lejune, and they are getting sent to Paraguay to "fight the war on drugs." I haven't heard much about this in the news for some reason. BTW he is not in Recon doing black ops as they did in Columbia, he is a regular 0311...


New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by striker3:
This is not the only South American country that we are getting involved with, one of the guys in my platoon talked to his brother a little while back who is stationed at Camp Lejune, and they are getting sent to Paraguay to "fight the war on drugs." I haven't heard much about this in the news for some reason. BTW he is not in Recon doing black ops as they did in Columbia, he is a regular 0311...[/quote]

And I suppose if he gets killed they will say there was "a training accident" at Pendelton .



New member
Maybe the Colombians are less than happy that we're giving 1.3 billion dollars to death squads. They're getting slaughtered because Americans like to snort coke and smoke rock, and the American solution is to kill more Colombians. I'd be pissed, too. I am pissed, and I'm an American.