Clint Smith, snipers on TV Wednesday


New member
Sixty Minutes II is rerunning their story about police department snipers tomorrow (Wednesday) at 8pm Eastern. The sound bite on the promo tonight was the shot of Clint Smith saying that some people need to be shot. As I remember the story, there were a few minutes showing police snipers taking classes at Thunder Ranch.


New member
More than a few minutes at TR. Steve Kroft actually talked to Clint. Clint knows that the "need to be shot" response would stir up the sissies at the network. Good for him! Don't miss this segment.


New member
I missed it the first time it aired. An interesting show that echoed a frequent debate here on TFL about the militarization of police forces. The time devoted to the Albuquerque NM officer who'd shot five people left me with mixed feelings. It seemed like all of his shootings were fine, but I wondered about the bank shooting where the first two shots hit concrete walls before the third took the hostage-taker. How he could be sure those first two shots wouldn't hit the hostage?

I also wondered about the rifles at Thunder Ranch. Does TR give each student a Remington 700 Police or is that just the rifle de jour for departments?

If I had oodles of extra $$$, it would be a fun course to take.


New member
With the sniper missing the first two shots, I believe it was a case of barrel clearence.
Alot of this was discussed when the episode first appeared.

Don Gwinn

Staff Emeritus
Fed 168, that is right. It was discussed at the time and it turned out that the wall he hit was only a few feet away. It was close enough that the scope cleared it but the shots didn't. I didn't see the show but I get the impression that they tried to make it sound like he was walking his shots onto the bad guy at the risk of everyone else.

I wonder why they would want to do that?


New member
Monkeyleg, clear your muzzle, then clear you sights. That wacky offset problem! Steve burned two into the concrete in front of him (.308 into concrete a yard away--wear eye protection). Oh, well, the Austrians and British routinely shoot their own in the back of the head with their silly L85s and AUGs because of the offset.

If you are like me, you can burn one into cover just by flinching. YIKES.

Hube1236, of course, I have it on tape. What kind of gun nut do you think I am. Send me your address,


New member
Does it scare anybody but me that in both instances he fired while being on site less than 2 minutes? The one on the bridge he could'nt hear what was going on, for all he knew the negotiations were working.


New member
Rowdy1, no, not that particular person because of his skill level. Steve is no mall ninja. He had the kid ready to be dropped over the side. Righteous shoot. The jury agreed. Too bad it went there (to trial instead of summary judgment); however, good example of Problem #2 even if you win Probelm #1. Train hard so you avoid the fight!

Monkeyleg, missed your other question. I've never seen or heard about TR "issuing" any firearms. To my knowledge the corporation does not own any. Clint may loan guys to friends--I don't know (or care, they're his property). If you have the drive to go to TR, you probably already have the gear.

The prevalance of the Remington 700 is an influence of budget concerns. Big Green has utility of scale and so price per unit is cheaper (cannot get away from budgetary concerns in the copper bidness, its priorities--I prefer less polish, but more knowledge but I haven't been elected to anything yet). Plus, a lot of smiths are trained on them (armorer schools are always packed) and supersmiths like Robbie Robar feature them. Sort of like the Remington 870 situation. Price allows a greater market share--doesn't mean they are better than a SSG or Blaser, just more common.