Cleaning Rod ?


New member
Best cleaning rod for my new CZ 527 22 Hornet.
Tipton Carbon Fiber or Dewey Stainless Steel.
What do you recoemend?


New member
I use the Tipton carbon fiber and love it. Be sure to get one LONGER than you think you need. I got one that is 36", but using my bore guide on a 26" barrel, I actually stop short of coming out the end of the barrel! Not good!

Smokey Joe

New member
Cleaning rod...

Swampy 308--With a cleaning rod, for use @ the workbench in yr house, it's not a question of brand name, it's a question of what material is best.

Mine happen to be Dewey, but the reason I got them is to have a one-piece steel rod covered in plastic. One-piece so there aren't any joints to collect abrasive crud. Steel because it's strong and less likely to get damaged with heavy use. Plastic covered because you want something less hard than yr bbl steel in contact with the bore. And you wipe the length of the rod regularly during the cleaning process.

Aluminum rods are said to get oxidized, very hard crud, embedded in them, which makes them abrasive. Jointed rods of any type do the same. Aluminum is relatively easily bent and damaged.

+1 on getting a plenty long cleaning rod--you're dealing with your longest bbl PLUS the length of the bore guide you use.

Now, the above comments apply to "bench" rods for standard at-home cleaning. I bring such a rod to the range if I'm going to do a full-blown shoot/clean/shoot/clean/etc./etc. barrel break-in. More normally for the range I keep a jointed steel rod in my range kit, for use with the occasional case stuck in the chamber or such. It has saved my bacon, and that of other shooters, several times, but understand that this rod is strictly for emergency use, not routine bore cleaning.

I must confess that for cleaning shotguns I use a jointed aluminum rod. My only excuse is the considerable clearance between the cleaning rod and the bore. I don't shoot shotgun much.

ETA--To preserve the one-piece rods when travelling with 'em, I made cases for each one, out of PVC pipe with screw-on ends. Nothing easier to damage in a car, than a one-piece cleaning rod.
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New member
Thanks for all your information, I put in a order for a Lucas Bore Guide and asked what they recommend,out of 3 choices thier first was Dewey Nylon Coated, so all get it.
Also wanted to let you all know this site is GREAT!!!