Cleaning issue with H&K P30...

I'm in the middle of cleaning my H&K P30 and, per the book, it doesn't appear to be necessary to remove the firing pin or the ejector.

I thought removal of these is commonplace in order to assure correct and safe operation. The habit comes from doing this with my 1911.

Am I worrying too much? Or, should I learn to further strip it down to clean these areas?


New member
If you want to get it clean without detail stripping (which voids warranty if they can tell you did it), immerse the butt end of the slide that contains the business parts into some solvent. Works even better if you have an ultrasonic. Then blow it dry with an air compressor.

Truth be told though, the innards on the USP and P2000 slides stay pretty clean unless you try to do something like grease your firing pin.
I still clean mine as stated above though, but it rarely even makes the solvent dirty, even after a 300 round firing session.



New member
Just clean what you see here and frame, don't detail strip for regular cleaning.



New member
Not all handgun were made for detail stripping like the 1911. It is unfortunate. And I do like HK's. I want the p30L as one of my next handguns, or was that the DW 1911?


New member
I have seen a lot of damage done to firearms, by well meaning people taking their firearms apart to do IMHO unneeded deep cleaning. Some times less deep cleaning is better.;)


New member
No need to do that. Just speperate the frame, slide, barrel, and recoil spring/guide rod. Nothing else needs to be taken apart. Very easy to clean.


New member
I would look into learning how to detail strip the pistol. I *believe* in detail stripping them once per year for detailed cleaning. Eventually, it must be done.

A video DVD well worth purchasing is titled "Complete HK USP - Disassembly & Reassembly" by Lenny Magill Productions.