Cleaning Finnish Mosins

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
Seems that two Finnish Mosins (model yet unknown) might come live with me, courtesy of a friend who still has them in cosmoline. Given that Finns shimmed the actions, would it be a good idea to detail-strip the rifles for cleaning? If not, what's the best way to get around the problem? One gun dealer here suggested oven cleaner on the wooden parts...


New member
Sure. You can detail strip. Just make sure the shims go back in the same way.

If there isn't too much cosmoline, hot soapy water will get it off. Just make sure you don't sand any cartouches. I'd be leary of sanding at all. Steam out stock dents if you need too. If the stock is dry after your cleaning a light rubbing with boiled linseed oil will restore the wood.

Only use the oven cleaner if the stock is caked with cosmoline.

Any kind of gun solvent will take cosmo off metal surfaces. Carburator cleaner will work, too, on the metal.