Cleaning Cosmoline.....


I originally posted this in the Smithy, but I guess not too many people noticed it.

I've found the perfect cleaner for cosmoline (even dried!). I use a chemical called Formula 2050 produced by a company called CMT to clean my woodworking tools (router bits and stuff). I tried it on some mags I ordered from DSA, and it stripped the cosmoline off with almost no effort. Sprayed it on, waited a couple minutes, then wiped it off. NO MORE COSMOLINE! The heavy died stuff just needed to be left sitting for an extra few minutes (or a second app) before being wiped off. No residue is left. The 2050 is non-toxic, non-flammable, has no fumes, is biodegradable, and won't affect any finish (paint, park, blue). Finally! something I can use inside to clean up my mags. No smell, either.:D

Molon Labe!

New member

Thanks for the tip! I have been using WD-40, fumes gives me head aches, and it goes all over the place, also to add, doesn't get it all out/off.


New member


Wear gloves and do it outside on a windy day, no open flames around either, it's much more volitile the gasoline, BUT, it cuts that crud out fast,


New member

I totally agree with all that cleaning Cosmoline is a real pain.

A couple days ago I asked the Maintenance Foreman at the plant I work at what he used to degrease parts. I’d gotten 7, inch L1A1 magazines that were in need of a paint job but covered with cosmoline inside and out.

He stated what he used was vehicle Brake Parts Cleaner in an aerosol can to degrease parts.

I got a can for under $3.00 and what an innovation. I used it on a mag. I had cleaned with Hoppies, which did a passable job getting the cosomline off, but with the brake cleaner it was totally minus any oil. Then sprayed it on a magazine covered with Cosmoline and it wipped it right off. Sprayed it on the spring and the cosmoline wipped right off. Follow directions and the warnings on the can.

This brake cleaner is made with non-chlorinated solvents so it shouldn’t harm the metal/bluing on a rifle. I’m going to try it on the under side of my M-1 Carbine since I’ve gotten it torn down for a repair and will let you know what happens.


Your post!!!!


MEK is nasty but effective as a cleaner but all who use it should follow your instructions or if used inside MUST use Ventilation

As a Production Manager of a manufacturing plant I won't allow MEK to be used due to the possible side effects to employee's

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My secret formulas

I use Dow Bathroom Cleaner ("Scrubbing Bubbles") and/or dish soap and hot water. Works great and won't harm any finishes.


New member
I use "Purple Power", a degreaser/cleaner, available in the automotive section at the local Wally World. $4/gallon. Biodegradable.

I use this to de-cosmo milsurp stocks too, sucks the grease - and the finish! - right out of the wood. See the refinishing forums at for more info.


New member
Simple Green

I use Simple Green. It removes every last trace of cosmoline almost effortlessly. It smells pretty good and doesn't irritate my skin.

I highly recommend it!


New member
I've been using brake cleaner. You do have to watch out if you have a "parts rifle" built by Century that has painted surfaces(it will take the paint off faster than the cosmoline).

I would like to try one of the environmentally friendly degreasers in the near future.



New member
I use very hot water followed by drying and a good oiling or application of anti-rust sprays.

I use it on my rifles, too ;-)