Cleaning brass?


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I saw in the Midway catalog a kit of a liquid brass cleaner where you put your brass in the bucket, let sit for the prescribed time, take out rinse and let dry. Anyone have experience with this?


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I can personally attest to the poor performance of the Birchwood Casey line of chemical brass cleaners. Very disappointing. Don't waste your money. Maybe some of the othes work better than what I tried but I get good results using hot water and whatever brand of liquid dish washing detergent my wife keeps by the kitchen sink.


New member

A mixture of white vinegar and lots of table salt works pretty good. FWIW it wll shine up old coins also.


Always amused at folks' trying to make something complicated/tedious out of something simple/easy. Hard to argue with a $40 tumbler. ;)

50 shooter

New member
If it was Iosso it's good stuff, I use it on surplus brass to get all the crap off of it. 50 BMG surplus is usually pretty tarnished and Iosso will bring it around with about 1-2 minutes of soaking. From there you can rinse it and let it air dry or turn your oven on warm and dry them there.

Lyman also makes a pretty good liquid cleaner, not as agressive as Iosso but it gets the job done also. The thing to remember is that these cleaners remove everything and leave a satin type of shine. If you want them really shiney you'll need to drop them in a tumbler with corncob for about an hour with some good polish.


New member
"A mixture of white vinegar and lots of table salt works pretty good. FWIW it wll shine up old coins also."

A 50:50 mix of vinegar and water and a 2-3 hour soak will do fine, no salt needed. Slosh it around a couple of times for best results but even that isn't necessary. Afterwards, FLUSH it well and spread it out one layer deep. Let it dry a day or so to make sure the interiors are fully dry before loading or storing, moving air from a fan helps speed drying, a lot.
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case cleaning

I find a ultra sonic cleaner does a good job inside and out 50/50 vinegar and warm water. cleans the primer pockets too. less than 10 mins. just depends if you are a hunter or what on how many you need to clean.


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I use air conditioning coil cleaner. Works fast and does a good job. Leave the brass in too long and it will discolor. It's a good first step with really dirty or tarnished brass.


New member
soaked in vinegar/water solution for 1hr.
left= clean brass
right= dirty brass


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Vineager is a no-no. Everyone says no about using Brasso as it is ammonia based, but guess what. Acids also leach out zinc and copper, which is the make up of your cartridge brass. Just tumble your brass with media and no other stuff and it will come clean.


New member

Cleans coins really well :D Imagine what it could do for your brass?

Then you projectiles will go better too..... :eek:

Didn't you know? Thinks go better with coke :D

If you don't know what I am talking about.... you're too young :rolleyes:

Ask someone who was alive in the 70's :D