cleaning ammo


New member
Well, I finally found the lost box of .45acp handloads.
They've been lost in the storage room at my dad's house (indoors, dry) for a long time, like 15 years, and they're kinda dusty and grungy. There's about 400 of them, some of them look like they've got some sticky red Kool Aid dried on them.

Any advise on getting them cleaned up?


New member
Just Wipe Them Off

As long as the ammo has been in a relatively low humidity enviornment, I would say take some rubbing alcohol, and dump it on a turkish towel and rag them off. The red stuff is more than likely the lube from the bullet when seated.
I wouldn't wipe the whole 400 to start, just take some clean them up and try them. They sure will not blow you or your gun up, I'll bet IF LOADED PROPERLY, that you will have no problem.
I am not the "Resident Guru" of reloading, just my humble opinion.


New member
They were loaded by a pro handloader, and have been in a dry box indoors in (almost always arid) Montana, so I don't think that there should be too much humidity damage.

Thanks guys, will clean a few and check them out.