Cleaning advice for stainless S&W 637


New member
Hi all,

I'm looking for advice to cleaning the front of the cylinders as well as the angle right above the entrance to the barrel. I've been trying a nylon brush with some hopps on it, but it doesn't remove what appears to be a set in "stain" in the metal.

Any thoughts?

Scattergun Bob

New member
This has always been a pain in the rear!!!!! the best i have found is a lead removal cloth. It basically wipes away the discoloration and removes the carbon with a little elbo grease. A good India red eraser just like old folks like me used in school works well also.

Good Luck & Be Safe


New member
Here's what I do. I smear a tiny amount of J & B Bore cleaner on the stained surface (face of cylinder, underside of topstrap, and around the forcing cone). Then, I brush vigorously with a bronze brush that's been first sprayed with a good solvent (I use Birchfield Casey Gun Scrubber). Then, I wipe the surfaces with a soft paper towel or a clean patch. I redo as necessary. I've found that I can make the surfaces of a stainless gun pristine in 10 minutes or less using this approach. However, DON'T follow this regime with a blued gun. What works for stainless will remove the blueing. With a blued gun I'm content to wipe vigorously with a lead removal cloth and I live with the residue that doesn't come off.


New member
I recommend you live with it. Even if you get it all off, it will be right back on those spots the next time you shoot. I clean my handguns each time I shoot them, but I have also learned to live with S&W design features. Such as one you didn't mention: the ring around the cylinder that appears after you fire the revolver a hundred times, and then stops growing. That is caused by the cylinder stop dragging on the face of the cylinder. S&W planned it that way to make sure the cylinder stop did its job.

I have a 637 which I have fired around 2,000 times with no problems. In fact, I fired 50 rounds of 148gr DEWC from it today. I'm so mellow, I'm thinking of letting it sit, all gunked up, until tomorrow. After I finish playing golf.
Cordially, Jack