Cleaning a semiauto question...


New member
I've read that some people use Brake Cleaner to "hose" down their field stripped semis prior to wiping down, cleaning the barrel and oiling.

Is it ok to use this stuff? Can't it cause rust during storage? Petroleum based
or not?

I am currently using Hoppes #9 for the bore and Break-free to lube up but I also hit the inside of the slide with WD40 just prior to wiping and oiling with the Break-free. Just heard that WD40 is a no-no.

I have the Brake Cleaner readily available at work... that's why I ask!

What are your thoughts?


New member
I've used it for 30+ years and no problems. Cleaned my Rem. 1100 between rounds at the trap range, clean my 9mm and .357. I use it to clean the majority of the crap off and then go to Hope's and finish with CLP before they go back to the safe. I found it cuts down on the sludge buildup if you let Powder Residue, Grease and oil, to mix and fill the small crevices/corners. I try to avoid the stocks but it hasn't harmed them yet.

I wouldn't store without a coating of your favorite oil (CLR or WD or ?)

Brake Cleaners used to be made from 1,1,1 Trichlorethane but since that is the same class of chemicals as Freon, it is in disfavor now. They are now a similar product made with no chlorinated hydrocarbons. They are degreasers.


New member

I'd try a little under the grips. Let it sit on there for an hour and then see if it leaves a mark on your particular gun.

Be sure to re-oil everything after using it unless you have stainless steel parts.

