
New member
From your expereance could some of you tell me which brand has the cleanest burning primer? Small Pistol primer.

Thanks Tony


New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by tonyz:
From your expereance could some of you tell me which brand has the cleanest burning primer? Small Pistol primer.

Thanks Tony
Tony, Winchester.


Mal H

johnnyb, I was going to answer this last night with something like, "I really don't know, but it certainly isn't Winchester." :)

When I load up some rubber, primer powered, bullets, the Winchesters always leave a lot of soot in the gun and casings. Same for CCI. But, since I haven't tried Fed or Rem in this way, I can't say which is cleanest.

But, it's going to be hard to answer this question because firing a primer with practically no pressure build up may not be the same as when powder is added and the pressure is high. They might act differently.

Paul B.

New member
Mal. I think any primer will leave soot in your barrel on your rubber bullets. I think the soot would either be absorbed, or maybe burned up, with a regularly loaded round.
Just a thought. :)
Paul B.

Mal H

True Paul, that's why I said, in essence, that firing a primer under no pressure is probably not a good indicator of a clean primer.

I think the question has to be asked of tonyz why he wants to know. It may be that he was looking for "clean" as in lowest/no lead pollution.

tony - you're up.


New member
Mal is correct! I am looking for A primer
that puts out the least toxic gases and causes the lest amount of residue on the inside of the case!

When I fire a winchester WINclean, the case is almost perfectly clean Inside there is no powder burned on or primer residue inside the case. I know this is a hard Question, But can't get an answer any place else.

I am trying to make a round like the winchchester WINclean round.

Thanks for all the help Tonyz :)

[This message has been edited by tonyz (edited February 13, 2000).]