Clean the fridge, targets of opportunity


New member
What do you find in the fridge or pantry that gets to live on a liitle longer till you go shootin??

today I secured an un-used can of Batter-Blaster, (it's basically pancake batter in a whipped cream-type dispenser) made quite the reactive target.

I allways get the stink-eye from my wife when I tell her to leave something in there for a couple of more


New member
Are you talking about shooting edible items that have expired?
If so my response is none....Not that i disagree with what your doing but in these hard times i cant afford to waist anything....especially food.

But i hope your having fun...Because in the end that's what it's all about.


New member
Soda crackers! 50 yards for a .22 and 100 yards for a center fire. Crackers never seem to get consumed before going bad around this house. Best part about it, you don't have to clean up the mess, animals will eat it. Kids love it too. They like to be able to see when they hit the target rather then just punching a hole in paper. Those Neco candy wafers are nice if you’re up to a real challenge. Eggs at 100 yards is kind of neat. Apples, oranges.... It’s a shame to let food go to waste, but it’d better then tossing it in the garbage.

Evan Thomas

New member
rickyrick said:
pancake batter in a whipped cream-type dispenser
Oh, ick. Shooting it sounds much better than actually using it to make pancakes.

Old, moldy potatoes and other vegetables come to mind... I, too, try very hard not to waste food, but sometimes things do vanish into the depths of the fridge.


New member
I tested a lot of different pellets out for my Gamo with some old spuds, worked good. I seem to remember someone posting here or someplace else about shooting empty ketchup and mustard packets with his .17HMR. I shot an expired can of poppin' fresh biscuits once with a .308, that was different.

Old Grump

Member in memoriam
Had some flood damaged can goods, plumbing flood not water rising from the crick flood, Labels gone, some seemed kind of hinkey but otherwise not to bad but still didn't trust them.

Long story short took them out back in my field to my 60 yard target line where I usually shoot at water filled bottles. I let them ripen in the sun for a few weeks. Then set them on a post and shot them one at a time. Some were kind of disappointing, just opened up with a poof like the beans did. Some like the beets and the tuna were spectacular and this was all done with a 22.

Let them lay another couple of weeks then picked up the now clean and dry cans to take to the dump. Birds, bugs and critters had done the clean up, mostly bugs and crows from the looks of it. Hair spray can with a broken nozzle was exciting, it must have gone 20' up into the air and old spray paint cans and spray insulating foam can that the nozzle wouldn't work on. That one left a big brown cap of what looked like...........uh, doo doo, on the top of my post. The indent on the top of the pile was perfect for setting cans in till it finally wore away. :D


New member
I dont like shooting stuff that leaves my range cluttered with bottles, cans, boxes and such. I'm also too lazy to police them up.

If you want good cheap targets, put some food coloring water then into ice cube trays, ( or something larger if thats what you want). Shoot them, when they melt, you have no residue.


New member
I dont like shooting stuff that leaves my range cluttered with bottles, cans, boxes and such. I'm also too lazy to police them up.

Exactly and the only exception is a head of cabage, at the shotgun station to demonstrate destructive damage that a shotgun can do. It's graphic enough to make the students "think". :cool:

Be Safe !!!


New member
Good idea on the ice an crackers.

I always pick up my canage but then I'm too lazy to get the crap out of my pickup bed LOL


New member
around the house its always the same story... crackers go stale and somehow magically change from a snack to a target within days!!! but my all-time favorite is to get old potatoes and blast them with the .50 cal :rolleyes: